Aquarius in marriage
Woman Aquarius, is one of the highest types of the zodiac, but she will never jump into marriage with ease. However, women Aquarius, from all other characters, is best equipped for marriage. She is capable, intellectual, adaptable and often very talented woman. She can withstand long working day without fatigue, and then to be an exceptional hostess and a wonderful friend to her husband. People like her, and her simple way of dealing with them makes her house center of social events. The Aquarius woman is a strong and independent lady, capable of doing almost everything by her own but she is a little confused and dazed about life and its facts. She goes through life appearing detached and not very emotional about anything but she is a very committed person. She is very generous and will never be suspicious about her husband’s duties and obligations outside the home. Naturally, she believes him. She performs all his duties without complaint. She is so noble that she would rather suffer than she will allow others to suffer. She is unconventional and also nice. She is emotionally dependent, but she lives her life depending on her mind, not the emotions and affects. Her husband should be an intellectual so she can participate in them equally . Her husband must be be smart enough to use her undoubted quality. In love life, she is dedicated and faithful, but her husband must give her the freedom she seeks out from time to time and not try to bind her. The Aquarius woman cannot have too many friends but she gets along so well even with the friends of her husband.
He is the most wonderful husband and the noblest of all zodiac signs. He is not a great lover, his heart is not a firearm, but he is honest and sincere. The Aquarius man is a friend as well as a lover to his wife, and, sometimes a friend more than a lover. Although sociable, sympathetic and gentle, he understands marriage as part of the social scheme. He is not only a great friend with loads of support but also has goal reaching abilities to help his lady. The finest moments are when he gives an unexpected yet pleasant surprise to his lady fair. The Aquarius man is an intellectual male with very friendly attitude and extrovert nature. He never has a problem in making friends; in fact, his whole world is filled with friends He is cooperative, he can make a woman happy. The favorite pastime of an Aquarius man is delving into ones inner most being to find out what is in there that he may learn about that person. That is the way he treats his wife too. Thoughtful he is the perfect gentleman in every respect, and he is very gentle to his wife and children , he respect them very much. In a marriage, he is a very friendly partner who respects and understands his lady but hates to get tied up in knots. However, he is also impersonal. Many women prefer possessive and dominant types of men. He often acts indifferently, and no self-centered woman can not bear that. In any case, the ideal wife for him would be a very smart woman, an intellectual who just like and have her profession and career.
Aquarius man and Aquarius woman in marriage? YES
When two Aquarius fall for each other it is more a mastermind as well as confusing combination where they both consider all odds as normal and normal as odds! They make a friendly association and respect each others independence a lot except that their relationship lacks warmth as both are detached in their attitude. The sexual compatibility of Aquarius man and Aquarius woman becomes strong and harmonious after they have found the perfect companion. They cam enjoy a fabulous friendship too. Recommended: don’t forget to fan the flames of the love and passion they share. Overconfidence can lead to trouble for them at times, so watch that. Soul mates? yes.