Sunday, February 16, 2025

horoscope guru



Chiron is an asteroid between Saturn and Uranus. Its orbit is very unusual and represents a bridge between material and spiritual worlds. Chiron symbolizes our unbeatable injuries and incurable trauma. Above all Chiron represents the primal wound and  the urge to become whole and heal our self.  Our feelings usually have history deep in our past. If we don’t deal with our issues, we tend to carry the wounds through  other incarnations. We will carry them until we reach the state when we can admit we are wounded and begin healing. Chiron in houses pushes you towards your destiny.

Chiron ij houses
planets in zodiac


 Statement that represents the Chiron –the wounded healer

 Chiron’s placement in our natal chart points to areas where there are some lessons we need to learn.  These areas are ruled by the sign and the house in our natal chart. It is very important to notice the areas where we feel discomfort. Our  gifts are hidden in our wound as shown by Chiron placement. But our true purpose or life path is shown by the Moon’s Nodes in your chart. Below are the interpretations of the Ciron in houses, which is also important for good natal chart interpretation.

See also Ciron in zodiac signs

The Chiron in 1st Housenatal chart

  • The message of the Chiron in 1st House – Your healing journey involves the search for your true identity. Your gift is to be centered in your Higher Self. You will find a strong sense of self when you stop searching for it. In other words, this is because you already are that Self. Also, you’re a natural leader and innovator. In other words, you can empower others to be stronger. You have the ability for timing your actions perfectly in the moment. Also, you can combine action with compassion. You can help others in a way that empowers them, because you understand how it feels to be powerless. Remember, Chiron in houses pushes you towards your destiny.
  • Good traits of the Chiron in 1st House – The Chiron in 1st House, leads us to the path of our own. In other words, it leads us to deeply personal potentials. There will be present tendency to achieve good results. Above all, this is period of taking action and quick results. Chiron in 1st House inspires qualities such as bravery, courage, high self-esteem. This is the period that could help us find out who we really are and what we want in our life. One is about to cast away burdens of the past and carry on, bravely. Chiron in 1st House will make it easier to do so for many people. While Chiron transits 1st House, people get the chance to rise and to find strength to follow their dreams. Chiron in 1st House encourages us to find a warrior within. The path we are going to choose depends on other aspects in our natal chart. Some of us will choose a noble path, some will not.
  • Bad traits of the Chiron in 1st House – are related to incapability to control our need to reform and transform. Chiron does not feel much comfortable here. This is, because the aggressive energy of the Mars and fiery 1st House (that represents Aries)  are strong. Sufferings that Chiron in 1st House brings are: generally egocentric attitude, inability to have tolerance and understanding. Risks of bad aspects with Chiron in 1st House are: no compromises, no diplomatic response, no collaboration. Remember, Chiron in houses points to areas where there are some lessons we need to learn.

The Chiron in 2nd  Houseplanets in houses

  • The message of the Chiron in 2nd  House is -the wound is to your sense of self-worth and body. In other words, this may manifest in the next ways: deep insecurity rooted in the body, fear of the loss of safety, tendency to devalue yourself. Chiron marks our weaknesses, but also sources of healing. You seem to believe you are complete and safe only when they possess. But, Chiron in 2nd House could teach you the most difficult lesson: it is not all about materiality. Your physical body acts the same. You become afraid of injuries and weakness. And this makes Chiron in 2nd  House people even more insecure. Above all, Chiron in 2nd  House challenges your idea about materiality. Its lesson is supposed to awake your instincts and make you trust them.
  • Your healing journey involves finding inner security. So, your gift is to feel unshakable inner strength. You need security and love. Those things will be found within. You can reach those goals  by adopting a spiritual path.  Above all, you need to befriend your instincts by listening to your body. You may be an excellent manager of other peoples’ money.  Also, you could also be a gifted midwife to others’ creativity. That is because you understand how the creative process works.
  • Good traits of the Chiron in 2nd  House –  It makes you reconsider all of your already ideas about the world. Above all, it makes you realize material possessions should not be the only basis of life. It helps you let go of that weight. And also tries to make you realize it is not so scary not having control over everything. In other words, it would make you realize you do not have control over everything.  This is a hard lesson. It depends of your birth chart how you are going to react. But, the true purpose of this lesson is to enlighten you. Chiron in 2nd  House will open your eyes. Also, it will make you free of material bonds. Remember, Chiron in houses pushes you towards your destiny.
  • Bad traits of the Chiron in 2nd  House – Chiron in 2nd  House jiggles up all your false standpoints.  You think that the only aspect of life that brings security is materiality. Also you think that only control over everything brings peace. It is not true. You have to see that. In other words, you will see it but after you experience something that would teach you so. You feel as if financial stability is always out of your reach.  So, that makes you feel afraid and insecure. In conclusion, the experience is terrifying for you. Also, you could become obsessive with your body and health. And possessive of everything you own. Remember, Chiron in houses points to areas where there are some lessons we need to learn.

The Chiron in 3t HouseChiron in houses

  • The message of the Chiron in 2nd  House is –  the wound is your ability to communicate and make yourself heard. In other words, this may manifest in the next ways: feel unable to communicate clearly with others, feel stupid and uneducated, see others as being smarter than you. Also, you find it hard to believe in your own ideas, thoughts and gifts. And, you have a tendency to gossip or gather information to boost your self-esteem. Your healing journey involves learning to speak your truth. Also, your gift is to share your unique perspective with others. Stop worrying about what other people think.  So, just turn inwards to tune into your intuition. Recognize and embrace your intelligence in whatever form it takes. Remember, Chiron in houses pushes you towards your destiny.
  • Good traits of the Chiron in 2nd  House – Chiron in 2nd  House people actually have great gift of communication, but they do not see it. Above all, they are curious, eloquent and very open minded. Those people know how to do with words. So, their source of healing should be channeling this talent. They often have an inner malicious need to represent others in a bad light. That is their big and  characteristic gift. This gift could be very bad for others. But, it can also help Chiron in 2nd House channel their energy. They are courageous when it comes to critic and complaints of others. Also they refuse to join the group and they boldly enter arguments. This sounds rather malevolent, but it could be used for good.
  • Bad traits of the Chiron in 2nd  House – The worst side of those people is that they cannot organize their own thoughts and their words. So, they often feel insecure. These people would hold onto others’ opinions, just to find anything that could make them feel certain. Above all, they could be malevolent. They could  try to put themselves above others, out of pure spite. It is their worst characteristic. They underestimate others deliberately, just to make themselves look better. They commonly envy others on their talent for speech. In conclusion, this is the terrible insecurity, which makes them feel incomplete. So, they could be irrational, thoughtless and to act foolishly. Remember, Chiron in houses points to areas where there are some lessons we need to learn.

The Chiron in 4th Housenatal chart

  • The message of the Chiron in 4th House is – the wound is connected with your emotions and ability to feel loved. In other words, this may manifest in the next ways: feel unloved and abandoned, fear that you don’t deserve love; fear that the world isn’t supportive; tendency to sabotage relationships with too much attention; psychosomatic illnesses. You will find the love you need when you stop judging yourself and others. Your healing journey involves the search for the source of love within yourself. Also, your gift is to recognize that your true home is found within. You are sensitive to the suffering of others. So, be in your own center. Only then people will find it easy to share their feelings with you.
  • Chiron in 4th House points out that your greatest weakness is your family. This is often related to lack of parental love and guidance. These people should find the way to channel their pain and transform it. Chiron in 4th House wants to share with you precious words of wisdom. Remember, Chiron in houses pushes you towards your destiny.
  • Good traits of the Chiron in 4th House –  You are very attached to family. Also, are extremely intuitive. You often feel what your loved ones feel. Above all, you can feel that, even if they are miles away. In other words, you have the sixth sense but only for your family and closest ones. If you a decide to commit to another person, be sure they would love you unconditionally. Also, you will do everything for your partner. You would do they best you can for your own family, especially your children. You teach your children always to be there for people they care for. These individuals are creative and imaginative.  They are motivated towards investing all of their passion into something that is sincerely their own. For example, they could translate all of their emotions into art.
  • Bad traits of the Chiron in 4th House – Their  greatest problem is idealization of their partner. In other words, they search in their lover the perfect figure. They want a partner that should compensate the emptiness they feel in their life. That  is definitely related to their relation with their parents. They often fall in love with hardly reachable people. So, these natives shot really high. The other thing is that they become extremely closely attached to their partner. That is also bad, because they tend to lose themselves. The pain of breakup and loss is much greater in them than in other people. Anyway, they are too attached to parental figure. This makes them vulnerable and sensitive. Also, they are afraid of commitment, because they are afraid of the loss. They suffer on the inside. Also, they are very cautious when it comes to entering a relationship. It can be reflected on other types of relations . But this is where the vulnerability hits them the most.

The Chiron in 5th Housenatal chart

  • The message of the Chiron in 5th House is: the wound is connected with to your ability to manifest your creative self-expression. In other words, this may manifest in the next ways: feel uncreative, and uninspired; feel that others don’t see your uniqueness ; you don’t feel liked; champion others’ creative efforts, while hiding your own; tendency to hide the results of your creativity;   refuse to share creativity results with others ; find it hard to be spontaneous; fear of being seen. Or try too hard to get recognition and be the center of attention. Your healing journey involves empowering yourself to live from the heart. Your gift is to see the whole of life as a creative act. These people should try to enjoy their uniqueness. Also they should not care what others might say. Remember, Chiron in houses pushes you towards your destiny.
  • Good traits of the Chiron in 5th House –  You have an ability to help other people overcome their issues regarding their own creative expression.  Also you have the ability to encourage them to express their talents and abilities freely and openly. You need to confront your weaknesses and embrace them as a part of your personality. True happiness and satisfaction are only possible when we are completely healed.
  • Bad traits of the Chiron in 5th House – You often have issues with expressing your creativity and talents. Also, you are subconsciously aware of your inadequacy. But, but your ego often pushes you to exaggerate in expressing them. You usually feel that you don’t have the imagination and talents. So, if someone doesn’t understand your joke, you might get upset. That adds to your overall feeling of insecurity. You could have strong and inadequate reactions to other people’s disapproval. You could be prone to make a big deal out of nothing. Be open to expressing your personality without worrying about anything and anyone. That way you will be more appreciated and accepted.

 The Chiron in 6th HousePlanets in houses

  • The message of the Chiron in 6th House is: the wound is connected with your ability to discriminate and find order. In other words, this may manifest in the next ways: feel incomplete; ,nervous tension; hypochondria, disorganized and messy, or highly organized and obsessive compulsive . Your healing journey involves the integration of parts into a whole. Also, it involves learning to be of real service to others. Your gift is to find integrity through wholeness. Above all, you need to learn to relax and stop judging everything as wrong .Only then you’ll be able to recognize that wholeness already exists.
  • Good traits of the Chiron in 6th House –  You have a critical but discerning nature. That makes you a good problem solver. You can integrate lots of disparate information into a coherent whole. Above all you can pay attention to all the details without losing the plot. Above all, you may find meaningful work through expressing your skills in a craft or vocation. You have a talent to spot a person who has issues with their need for perfection. So, you seem to know exactly what to say to this person. Remember, Chiron in houses pushes you towards your destiny.
  • Bad traits of the Chiron in 6th House – You often feel incomplete and impure. So, you feel like something is wrong with you. Also, you feel you need to fix yourself but can’t work out where to start. There is a feeling of dissatisfaction with how things are with life in general. Often you suffer from nervous tension and hypochondria. Also, perfectionism lead you to critical and controlling behavior. You have the gift to give advice to people with issues similar to your on. But, you seem to be clueless and unaware of your issues. Remember, Chiron in houses points to areas where there are some lessons we need to learn.

 The Chiron in 7th HouseChiron in houses

  • The message of the Chiron in 7th House is: the wound is connected with how you relate to others. In other words, this may manifest in the next ways: feel incomplete without a relationship; long for a soul mate;  fear of being alone makes you stay in a bad relationships; avoidance of conflict ; hide behind a mask, strong need for beauty and harmony.  Your healing journey involves reconciling your needs with those of others. Also, your gift is recognizing that your true soul mate is found within. You already have what you’re looking for. Recognizing the innate wholeness of your true self will help you to achieve inner balance. So, you don’t need to hide any part of yourself. You are complete and perfect as you are. You need to establish your inner-balance and harmony. Only then and things will immediately begin changing.
  • Good traits of the Chiron in 7th House –  Your good traits are your abilities to detect other people’s problems related to lack of respect. Above all, you have ability to give them good advice how to change the situation in their favor. Also, you are very sensitive. When in a relationship, you are usually romantic and emotional. You are very righteous and do all you can to treat everyone equally. Also, you have a strong need for beauty and harmony. That means that you may be very creative and artistic. Remember, Chiron in houses pushes you towards your destiny.
  • Bad traits of the Chiron in 7th House –  You feel alone and incomplete without a relationship. Also, you
  • long for a soul mate and search for companionship. Fear of being alone makes you stay in relationships even if they’re not good for you. Above all, you avoid conflicts and disharmony. That means that you sacrifice your own needs. You are often disappointed because of the lack of appreciation in your relationships. Also, you often experience relationships which lack balance and harmony. Most importantly, the lesson you should learn is to start relying on your forces. Remember, Chiron in houses points to areas where there are some lessons we need to learn.

The Chiron in 8th Housenatal chart

  • The message of the Chiron in 8th House is: the wound is connected with your perception of death. In other words, this may manifest in the next ways: fear of loss ; fear of death ; tendency to dark moods and paranoia;  tendency to build defensive walls; being vindictive and manipulative; self-destructiveness and desire to be free of attachment to the material world. Your healing journey involves integrating the dark sides of the soul. Also, your gift is to understand the secrets of life and death. Your search for trust will transform your consciousness. You need deep introspection. Than you will begin to understand how nothing truly dies.  You can let go of the form of things. And see that nothing is really lost. You often fear death, whether it is your own or the death of someone close. That is why you might become overprotective of yourself and your loved ones. This wound often comes from some painful past experience, dating back from your childhood. You might have experienced a sudden or mysterious death of a loved one. The way to heal is to try to discover the reasons for fears. Remember, Chiron in houses pushes you towards your destiny.
  • Good traits of the Chiron in 8th House – You are talented to give advice to people who have some morbid fears and obsessions. You can help them to overcome these traits. You have the ability to transform yourself on a profound level.  The method is accepting the darker side of human nature. You may have a powerful, magnetic presence. So, others may instinctively trust you. Other people sense the depth of your understanding and empathy with suffering. Your recognition of the immortal part of the soul will bring with it a passion for life.  You are able to see the profound understanding of life mysteries which you can share with others.
  • Bad traits of the Chiron in 8th House –  you have a talent to give advice to people who have a great fear of death or dying. But, you cannot easily deal with these issues. You have a tendency to dark moods and paranoia.  Also, there is a tendency to build defensive walls against being hurt by others.  You can be protective of people and sometimes manipulative, destructive and jealous. In marriage, you are unable to create a truly intimate relationship based on mutual trust. You need to look deep within you and acknowledge the issues you have, so that your healing process could start.

The Chiron in 9th Housenatal chart

  • The message of the Chiron in 9th House is: the wound is connected with your beliefs and sense of meaning. In other words, this may manifest in the next ways: fear of open spaces; fear you’ll never understand life or find answers to your questions; be dogmatic and fundamentalist; avoidance of change or adventure, or become obsessed with taking risks. Your healing journey involves the search for meaning by transforming the way you think and believe. Also, your gift is to see life as a great adventure. Your search for meaning is a search for your own higher Self. By looking for answers you will discover your own wisdom. The reasons for these feelings and fears are usually found within you. You have possibly lost focus or you have experienced some major disappointments related to some important areas of your life.
  • Good traits of the Chiron in 9th House – You have an open-hearted attitude to life. Also, you can develop great wisdom and joy. When you push beyond old boundaries, you will be rewarded with a vision of life as inherently divine. Life is a great adventure, no matter what you actually do. People with Chiron in 9th House have a talent to find solutions to people who have lost hope in life.  They instinctively know what to say to make them feel better. Also they know how to push them into action to resolve the issues they have. Remember, Chiron in houses pushes you towards your destiny.
  • Bad traits of the Chiron in 9th House – You often experience issues with hopelessness and loss of faith in life. Also you cannot find the solutions to getting out of these situations easily. You have a fear of having no clear boundaries or limits on your life. Also, there is a fear you’ll never understand life. Also, you
  • rely on others for answers and may gather information but can’t use it or make sense . The world seems to you like a ship full of crazy people where no rules apply. You feel like trusting and naive outlander, foreigner in your own country. Your injury has a name – spleen.

 The Chiron in 10th HousePlanets in houses

  • The message of the Chiron in 10th House is: the wound is connected with your need for structure and achievement. In other words, this may manifest in the next ways: feel unrecognized; feel unappreciated, ;fear of losing control ; tendency to push yourself forward and make people notice you, or hide away and keep quiet. Your healing journey involves finding your inner authority. Also, and your gift is self-mastery. Healing will come from accepting yourself and listening to your inner voice.
  • These people often do a lot for the general public. And instead of acknowledgement they face persecution. This injury never stops hurting and never heals completely. While they work so hard for public well-being, others enjoy their place under the Sun. People with Chiron in 10th House often have issues with their desire for power, success and appreciation. They try their best to be successful and achieve their desires, but often end up not succeeding. Remember, Chiron in houses pushes you towards your destiny.
  • Good traits of the Chiron in 10th House – you’re willing to work hard to fulfill your own goals.  You are a born survivor. Also, you have a natural sense of authority and dignity that others will respect. Above all, you are good at creating order for others. Also, you can encourage others by  ‘re-parenting’ them. In other words, giving them the guidance they never received as a child. You’re not afraid of hard work and willing to struggle to create something that will last. Above all, people with Chiron in 10th House have an ability to help others realize the reasons behind their failures.
  • Bad traits of the Chiron in 10th House – You have a tendency to exaggerate in your attempts to achieve success.  You often feel unrecognized, unappreciated and unheard. There is a fear that there’s no structure in life. And that it’s too chaotic and disorganized. You are afraid of being out of control. Also, there is a tendency to push yourself forward and make people notice you.  Or hide away and keep quiet. You only trust what you can see, touch, taste, hear and smell. There is a strong need to be in control of every aspect of your life. Or a strong needs to hand over control to others.

 The Chiron in 11th HouseChiron in houses

  • The message of the Chiron in 11th House is: the wound is connected with your beliefs and sense  of belonging in the community. In other words, this may manifest in the next ways: Feel like an outsider; feel different from others; tendency to be reactionary and eccentric. Your healing journey involves the search for connection, belonging and community. Also, your gift is objectivity. In other words, standing back and seeing the whole picture. You can start to see how everything interconnects by creating a larger perspective of life. Then you can see how to find your place in the world.
  • Take the time you spend alone to connect with the universe within yourself. The most awkward part is that the whole story is in your heads. In reality no one considers you strange or unacceptable. The solution is to admit how you feel and confront your fears. And begin working on strengthening your confidence. Remember, Chiron in houses pushes you towards your destiny.
  • Good traits of the Chiron in 11th House – You have an inner knowing when it comes to helping other people overcome their blockages of not belonging anywhere. Also you have an inner knowing how to help them overcome these.  You seek contact with a higher consciousness and larger perspective. You are capable of great originality and truly independent thought. Also, you can use your individual mind creatively to discriminate between different systems of thought. Being alone means you can commune with the whole universe. So, then you can bring that connectedness back to others. You can see the heavenly plan and that all the pieces fit into the puzzle.
  • Bad traits of the Chiron in 11th House – You often fell isolated and removed from the rest of humanity. You have no ability to help yourself overcome the issues with feelings of self-worth. You often feel rejected. And your task is to gain confidence. And begin appreciating and loving yourself. Then other people will begin doing the same. You feel like there’s something wrong with you. Also you often feel loneliness, even in a crowd. But also tend to seek solitude. You may be friendly but distant. And you tend to avoid close personal relationships.

The Chiron in 12th Housenatal chart

  •  The message of the Chiron in 12th House is: the wound is connected with your relationship with the divine. In other words, this may manifest in the next ways: loss of faith; deep sense of betrayal; fear of opening up; blocked need for oneness. Your healing journey involves the search for oneness. So you have to integrate the divine into daily life. You can do it by confronting the unfairness in your life. You will begin to see a larger picture. Over time you may come to see that everything is a part of the divine plan.  Everything is in your life for a reason. You can start to see the plan and so build a greater trust in life which brings renewed faith. You end up exhausted and with ruined health. But you fail to understand that you are the one to blame. Most importantly, you need to start paying attention to your own needs first. ,And then offer their help to others. Remember, Chiron in houses pushes you towards your destiny.
  • Good traits of the Chiron in 12th House – Above all, you have the ability to give advice to people who have issues with self-sacrificing for others. You are highly imaginative and romantic. Also you and can pursue your goals with unshakable faith. You can offer the gifts of your imagination for the good of all.  And put your individuality into service of others. You are a natural healer.  Above all, you feel a deep compassion for all beings. When you reconnect with the divine within, you can return to love and wholeness. Remember, Chiron in houses pushes you towards your destiny.
  • Bad traits of the Chiron in 12th House – Although you  are excellent at giving advice to others, you don’t know how to help yourself stop behaving in such a manner. You often feel loss of trust in the divine and love. Also, you have fear of being hurt because life and the universe are unfair. There is a tendency to develop a hard shell of pragmatism and cynicism. Also, there is a fear of opening up. You are suspicious, but highly sensitive inside. Blocked need for oneness may come through as sentimentality or gullibility.



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