Dream meaning of a button
What means dream a button
If you lost a button, you can expect a disease or loss.
If you sew a button, it can be a sign that one of your neighbors feels better.
Cut off button could mean that you will break a long friendship.
Definition I
In modern clothing and fashion design, a button is a small fastener, now most commonly made of plastic, but also frequently of metal, wood or seashell, which secures two pieces of fabric together. In archaeology, a button can be a significant artifact. In the applied artsand in craft, a button can be an example of folk art, studio craft, or even a miniature work of art.
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Button
Definition II
small, usually round piece of plastic, glass, metal, etc., that is sewn to a piece of clothing and is pushed through a loop or hole to fasten one part of the clothing to another part