Feng Sui is an ancient Chinese science of harmonizing life in harmony with the forces of the cosmos. It is 5000 years old.Feng sui is logic, not religion. Literally t Feng Sui means wind (breath) and water (for drinking). These are the basic principles for an open flap LIFE. Traditional Feng shui skills are an art of balancing and harmonizing the cosmic
chi energy with people and space. Lead to the betterment of the life, health and agreed love. It helps to find a favorable location for an apartment, a
house, an office space. To sort out the interior decoration, the environment and repair the health and energy balance. It will help you balance love and
relationship in the family, career and private business and it will help you attract money.

Many Feng shui analysis are logic.They are similar to the old Slovenian rules that the people of the Balkans applied during the construction of houses and monasteries. Feng shui is an ancient
science that has been saved from oblivion and applied in all aspects of life. A simple example of two successful cities are
Hong Kong and Singapore, which are absolutely done according to feng shui rules. Feng shui is used in every aspect of man as well as in building a personal name, style and character.When a house or office is built in harmony with the cosmos by Feng shui rules, then the person has a good and strong
character, and with plans to his goals. Your
house, apartment or office are your first steps and an introduction to Feng shui analysis, and later the Feng shui studies.

For the using of Feng shui techniques, it is not necessary some special knowledge of architecture, civil or any other exact science.You just have to have the feeling of belonging to
Planet Earth. Only
love and lightness between humans, cosmic chi energy and space. We all have knowledge of Feng shui, but we are not using it because we mostly forget to think and logically reasoning.
For easier understanding Feng shui science, you need to learn this relations:
1. The energy balance of Yin and Yang. Black and white, night and day, minus and plus, Eve and Adam
2. Five flows of Yin and Yang – Five cosmic elements that are all around us. Water, wood, fire, earth and metal
3. Eight directions of the sky, the Compass School
4. School forms – four animals: Turtle, Dragon, Tiger and Phoenix