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Feng Shui Living Room

The living room is the heart of your home and holds immense potential to become a sanctuary of harmony and well-being. In this guide, we’ll unravel the dos and don’ts of Feng Shui for your living room. We will offer insights on creating an environment that not only captivates the eye but also nurtures the soul. Let’s embark on a journey to transform your living space into a haven of positive energy flow.


Why Should You Arrange Your Room According to Feng Shui?

living room according to feng shui


  • Feng shui is all about balancing and aligning energies within your home. When your home is balanced, your life is balanced. Having a clean and positive home environment will help you interact with the outside world better. A significant part of feng shui living is having a clean and clear living space.
  • There have been a few studies that have shown the effects of clutter. Current Psychology ran a study and found that a room full of clutter can increase cortisol, the stress hormone, and decrease one’s mental well-being.
  • The basic premise of feng shui is to use organizational principles that encourage energy balance. The energy balance will lead to a better love life, good fortune, or stronger relationships, for example, depending on the energies you activate.
  • The principles will encourage the harmonization of energies and inevitably increase your quality of life due to a domino effect.

Must-Do Feng Shui Tips for a Harmonious Living Room

Optimal Furniture Arrangement

Arrange your furniture in a way that promotes conversation and connection. Avoid blocking pathways and ensure there’s a clear flow of energy throughout the room. A balanced layout fosters harmony.

Natural Elements

Integrate natural elements like plants, crystals, or wooden furniture into your living room. These elements bring in the grounding energy of nature and contribute to a serene atmosphere.

Balanced Colors

Choose a balanced color palette that complements the overall energy you want to cultivate. Soft, muted tones or earthy colors are often recommended for a tranquil living space.

Good Lighting

Embrace natural light whenever possible and supplement it with soft, ambient lighting. Well-lit spaces not only uplift the mood but also allow positive energy to thrive.

Mirrors for Expansion

Strategically place mirrors to reflect natural light and create the illusion of more space. This enhances the positive energy in the room and contributes to a vibrant atmosphere.

Feng Shui Mistakes You Should Always Avoid

Clutter Accumulation

Avoid clutter at all costs. Clutter disrupts the flow of energy and creates a chaotic environment. Keep your living room tidy, and regularly declutter to maintain a serene atmosphere.

Disruptive Electronics

Minimize the presence of disruptive electronic devices, especially near seating areas. If possible, designate a specific area for electronics to prevent them from dominating the space.

Uncomfortable Seating

Ensure that your seating is comfortable and arranged in a way that promotes conversation. Uncomfortable or awkwardly placed furniture can disrupt the positive energy flow in the room.

Overwhelming Artwork

While artwork can enhance the aesthetics, avoid overly busy or chaotic pieces that may overwhelm the space. Choose art that resonates with positive energy and complements the overall vibe.

Negative Symbols

Be mindful of the symbols and images you display. Avoid artwork or decor with negative connotations, as they can influence the energy of the room. Opt for positive, uplifting symbols instead.

Feng Shui principles


Basic Principles of a Feng Shui Living Room

Clear Your Living Room Space Regularly

You may think that clearing the space means decluttering it. While that will be an essential step later, you will also need to clear the air of bad energy. The most popular ways to clear space are with bells or singing bowls, smudge sticks, salt (Himalayan or table salt), and essential oils. If you are a total beginner, buying a salt lamp will be the easiest for this step. Simply place the lamp in your living room, and let it absorb any stagnant and dead energy.

Keep the Space Clutter-Free

A feng shui living room should never have clutter or mess. The main idea is to make sure that the living room does not symbolize a stressful or hectic life. If the space is full of clutter, your stress levels could rise when you enter the room. This is why it is important to clear the space and make room for positive and calm energy.If you have a lot of stuff in your living room, it may be a good idea to take a day and do a big deep clean. Make sure to leave some wall space and corners empty.

Let Some Fresh Air In

Another basic principle of a feng shui living room is to let some fresh air in. Leave your windows open for at least 10 minutes to air out the stagnant energy. You can also clean the windows with non-toxic chemicals to encourage purity and newness in your transformed living room.

Make Sure There Is Space for Everyone

When you re-organize your furniture, make sure there is a spot for each person in the house. The living room is the center of the home; it is a place of gathering and friendship. Everyone should feel welcome and invited.Another point to note is that nobody should have their back facing the door. Furthermore, you should organize the furniture in a way that encourages conversation (have some seats face each other).

Feng Shui Furniture for Your Living Room

feng shui furniture

Now that you know some of the basic principles of a feng shui living room let’s see what kind of furniture will work best.

Use Furniture With Round Corners

When a furniture piece has sharp, jagged edges, it can create negative, cutting, or attacking energy. This kind of energy will make the living room feel not as welcoming and warm as it should be.

Instead, try to decorate with furniture that has round corners. This kind of furniture will promote a more comfortable, freeing, and open space that will encourage positive energy.

Round/Oval Coffee Tables Made of Wood or Metal

The center of a feng shui living room will be the coffee table. Buy a round or oval coffee table, and place it in the center of your living room.

Another tip is to either have a metal or wood coffee table. Metal symbolizes clarity, precision, and simplicity and will bring in righteous and joyful energy. On the other hand, wood symbolizes growth, creativity, originality, trust, and stillness.

Use a Couch With Lots of Seating

The couch is one of the essential elements of a good feng shui living room. Make sure to have a couch that has a lot of seating, so people will be comfortable sitting down and visiting.

You should also avoid any L-shaped couches. These pieces can be reminiscent of a poison arrow and could bring in negative energy.

Add a Round Ottoman

Increase the comfort level of your space by adding a round ottoman. You can either place it near the couch or near a single chair for someone to enjoy.

The round shape of the ottoman will help support the flow of positive chi in the space.

Feng Shui Decorations

feng shui decorations

Even though feng shui seems to have many rules, you have a lot of freedom when it comes to decorations. There are dozens of items you can use to spruce up the look of the space.

Art Pieces

When hanging art pieces, do not hang them too high or low. This will generate bad energy. Instead, place them at eye or chest level. When choosing art pieces, try to choose pieces that radiate positivity, such as a calm, serene lake. Creative art pieces such as abstract paintings will work best on the west wall to boost your creativity.

Accent the Room With Metal

A great way to accent a feng shui living room is with metal accents. Metal decorations will increase your organization and will attract positive energy. Try to add metal candle holders, coasters, or anything else that looks stylish. You can also hang some pictures in metal frames.

Round Rug

As we have covered, sharp corners can promote cutting energy. To further combat this attacking energy, place a round rug in your living room. The rug will boost the room’s style and help ward off bad vibes from entering the home.

Hang a Clock on the Wall

Hanging a clock in the room is an easy way to increase the flow of chi. Clocks will encourage you and your family to maintain an organized schedule. The rhythmic movement of the clock’s hands will also promote peace and good energy. When hanging the clock, choose a location that is near the door or have it face the window. Keeping the clock at eye or chest level will also maintain the regular flow of chi in the room.


When placed correctly, mirrors will generate calm energy and promote personal reflection. However, when placed incorrectly, mirrors can be responsible for negative chi. Place mirrors on the north, east, or southeast walls. Avoid hanging the mirrors where they reflect people standing in the entryway of the living room.


Plants are the number one way to keep bad energy at bay. Place some potted plants on side tables or beside any sharp couch corners. You can also place tall plants on the floor in the corners to hide/combat cutting energy.

Colors to Choose


There is not a one-size-fits-all feng shui living room color. The color you choose for the space will depend on what kind of energy you want to generate.

Check out the list below to see what colors bring in what energy.

  • Red – Red represents the fire element. This color promotes passion, joy, romance, desire, and courage.
  • Yellow – Yellow is in the family of the fire and earth elements. This color will bring in happy, nourishing, cheerful, calming, and encouraging energy.
  • Orange – Orange belongs to the fire element. The color promotes stimulating conversations and pleasant social experiences.
  • Green – Green symbolizes the wood element. This color represents regeneration, personal growth, renewal, and energy.
  • White – White belongs to the metal element. Similar to many other cultures, white represents innocence and purity in feng shui.
  • Gray – Gray represents the metal element. This color is more neutral and does well to promote clarity, precision, and sharpness. In certain atmospheres, it can have a calming effect.
  • Blue – Blue belongs to the water element. This color will bring peaceful energy and will encourage calmness and tranquility.

If you want your living room to promote growth, well-being, and new beginnings, choose shades of blue or green. Use earthy tones if you want to encourage self-care and support. If you want bright and joyful energy, choose white.

Balancing the Elements

To set up the optimal feng shui living room, you need to ensure that all five elements are balanced. The five elements include water, wood, fire, earth, and metal.

For instance, if your space has a lot of metal, you may need to balance that out with some items representing the fire element.

The reason why these elements need to balance is that each element nourishes the other. Balancing the elements in your living room will promote better chi and peaceful, calming energy.

Here is a list of what elements balance each other out.

  • Fire balances metal
  • Wood balances earth
  • Earth balances water
  • Water balances fire
  • Metal balances wood

There are a few ways to investigate what elements you need to balance with their opposite.

First of all, you can investigate the living room at face value. Do you mostly see wood? Are there too many water elements? If you see an obvious unbalance of elements, you can fix it right away.

However, there is another approach you can take, which will be more intuitive.

Take a moment to yourself and think of any area in your life that may be lacking. Perhaps you are frustrated with your lack of love life, or maybe you haven’t been feeling creative lately. This could be a sign of unbalanced elements.

Don’t Forget About Bagua

Bagua Map

The last thing you need for your feng shui living room is the Bagua map.

Bagua maps are usually square or octagon maps that have eight areas surrounding the center point. The different areas include wealth/prosperity, fame/reputation, love/marriage, health/family, creativity/children, knowledge, career, and helpful people/travel. The idea is to place the Bagua map over your home’s floor plan or over a single-room floor plan to get some design guidance.

Even though there are a few ways to do this, we will describe one of the main ways to lay a Bagua map over a floor plan.

  1. Print out the floor plan for your home or room.
  2. Find the wall with the main door. Turn the plan so that the door is at the bottom of the floor plan.
  3. Print out a square Bagua map (this should be a three-by-three grid) and place it over the floor plan.
  4. Align the knowledge, career, and travel areas with the bottom of the floor plan.

If you are focusing on your living room, it will be a good idea to do this with your living room floor plan.

Now that you know where the different areas are, you can now activate them. Make sure to activate only up to three Bagua areas; if you activate too many, the map will not have as strong of an effect.

To activate the area(s), place some items in the space representing the area’s element. You can also decorate the area with corresponding colors or place a green plant in the space.


Hopefully, this guide has given you enough information to design your feng shui living room.Some basic guidelines to keep in mind are keeping the space clean and free from clutter, opening the windows from time to time, and clearing stagnant energy from the room with crystals or essential oils.When you begin designing, use the Bagua map as a basic guideline and activate the areas you want to focus on.Once you have finished designing your feng shui living room, enjoy the calm and peaceful energy that comes with it.


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