Friday, February 7, 2025

horoscope guru

Feng shui

Front door – the most frequent mistakes that blocks energy to your home

The front door is the mouth that feeds your home with Chi energy. The doors must remain outside the negative chi and at the same time leak in positive chi. Environment and landscape may not obstruct the flow of chi.
The term SHARA or so. poisonous arrows is known in Feng shui as something to be avoided. The ancient Chinese believe that all sharp angles have negative energy. Therefore, any angle which is directed to the front door has a negative effect on the door and the room which is located behind the door. The sharp angle can be a corner of a building across the street, the point of contact of the two inner walls, an artwork, a rectangular pillar, the edge of the table.If you stand at the door and look at a sharp impact on the building across the street, you are exposed to negative influences. One way to remove this negative influence is to place larger plants in front of the angle.
Obstacle –  LAMPPOSTstub
If a lamppost or an element in similar forms (tree, transmission line …) is located opposite the entrance to the house, it can create a negative energy field that is harmful for health and career of people who live in that house.
Obstacle  – close distance between the opposite buildingsgap
drvo1Excessive amount of trees and shrubs can be suffocating entry that unbalance energy flow. Herbs should not have sharp edges that intersect chi forces.
Obstacle   – STREET  or T intersection .
ulicaThe front door should not be in the axis of the road and it shouldn’t directly watch the orientation of the street. In such cases energy is aggressive and harmful to mental health.

Obstacle – GATE  in front of the main door
When the ‘gate’ is in line with the main door of the house, the energy accelerates and takes destructive force. Her path should be slightly goes around and subtly slowed with some element of water.
Obstacle – Double-TREE
The trunk that branches out like a slingshot emits negative impacts and should be removed if is located opposite the entrance.
Obstacle – RIVER
rekaWater is a barrier to the flow of chi. The front door should not be parallel to the nearby river, a water channel or riverbed because they stop life energy and smacks her entrance into the home.


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