Monday, January 20, 2025

horoscope guru

Astrology SIgnsGemini

Gemini as a parent

We all think that our parents do not understand us. But are they really that bad, or it is just because of the stars? If you want to understand your parents or if you are a parent, read the following words.


fatherGEMINI man 1Gemini as a Father
Gemini man as a father is very loving and caring and he treats his children as his best friends. That is the reason why the children loves him very much and believes him.. There is absolutely no generation gap between a Gemini father and his children. He is very flexible by nature is, and he will give his children a lot of freedom to explore their talents. From time to time, he will keep a constant fatherly eye on his children, and guides them in the right direction. His only drawback is that he seeks perfection in whatever his children choose to do and when they fail he can be very strict and unfair.

mother 1rp_gemini-woman-241x300.jpgGemini as a Mother
The Gemini as a mother is soft hearted and very attached to her children and so she is not a strict parent at all too. She gives her children full liberty and freedom to live their lives in their way. She prefer to be close to her children as their best friend, because she wants them to tell her everything and to trust her. She is devoted to her children and she will never ignore her children no meter what . Nothing is more important to her than them, even if she will get fired because of them, she will risk.

children1Gemini as a child
The Gemini child is very independent. Gemini kid will refuse to stay confined to one place or thing or friend. Their parents often have trouble with them if they are too orthodox in their thinking and not flexible to understand them. Gemini children do respect and love their parents but do not want their parents to interfere in their lifes. They will listen to their mother and father , they won’t rebel but will do only what they want to do.


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