Thursday, December 12, 2024

horoscope guru

Air SignsAquariusAstrology SIgnsGeminiLibra

How to choose jewelry for Air zodiac signs



As well as every zodiac sign unravels our behavior, the symbol of every sign in combination with a certain stone or metal may have a positive or negative influence on the one who wears it, as well as the people we let in our lives. When you are choosing jewelry you should pay attention that the stone, precious and semi-precious stones, or the metal we compose into the jewelry is suitable for your sign. Every one of the 12 zodiac signs has its healing crystal, precious and semi-precious. Every sign has its mineral and color, it is up to you if you would abide according to those preferences or just care if your piece of jewelry only has the elements you like, no matter what they stand for.

jewelry for GEMINI

rp_gemini-3-287x3001-287x300.jpgamber stoneThe Gemini is sociable, curious, lively, imaginative, creative, and mild. Amber offers calmness which the Gemini require while they search for something new, it arms them with faith in themselves and makes them less unstable.
Citrine stone makes solving emotional problems and hardships a lot easier, it widens the spectrum of the Gemini’s feelings. Other compatible minerals are beryl, yellow carnelian, and golden topaz.

jewelry for LIBRA

GRAY quartsLibra has a lot of expectations from others and from herself. She demands justice, clarity, and harmony. She approaches every obstacle with optimism, she compromises very easily. The grey quartz helps Libra to actively approach new challenges and to solve problems with maximal concentration. Grey quartz makes the Libra balanced and it strengthens their self-confidence Jade offers vitality, health, and inner harmony.
Other compatible minerals are aquamarine, titanite, pink quartz, star sapphire, and blue tourmaline.

jewelry for AQUARIUSrp_air-aquarius-300x291.jpg

тиркизThe Aquarius is unblessed, they love freedom, they are open and unselfish persons, they love anything new, they always have a lot of ideas and plans, and people love them for being such good friends, Turquoise slows down the hastiness of the Aquarius while they search for new challenges and it puts them back in reality. Besides, turquoise decreases the apparent apathy of the Aquarius towards their partners.
Aquamarine brings the Aquarius to inner harmony and gives them the feeling of freedom and of limitless possibilities. Other compatible minerals are jade, amazonite, fluorite, and malachite.


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