Wednesday, February 12, 2025

horoscope guru

Astrology SIgnsLibra

Libra facts

libra man 3Read valuable facts about Libra that may be helpful in understanding their   behavior

 elementiLibra Element: Air
Since Air is their element, they are  unpredictable  in  actions. They can be highly active one moment and become totaly inactive the next minute. They  are not just great thinkers, they are excelent  with languages and people enjoy their company.  They  have a sharp  mind, and they often  come up with solutions that nobody would ever have thought about.

venusRuling Planet: Venus. Libras ruling  planet is Venus, which is all about love and desire. It is not invariably all about romance, beauty and physical love or lust. It is also symbolic of ideal love. When the Libra people see a beautiful painting or any other work or art  they can be sure it is the influence being exerted by Venus.

Sanskrit Name : Tula

Meaning of Name : The Scales

Type : Air-Cardinal-Positive

kalendar 2Lucky Day : Friday

Favorable months: January, February, March, July, September, November, December.

Unfavorable months: May, June, October.

Lucky Numbers : 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60

Lucky color: Blue, Green
Energy sign: Yang
opal 1Lucky stones: Lucky stone: Opal is the lucky stone for Libra.  The ancient world was not afraid of his curse. On the contrary, they called him “a stone of hope.” This semi-precious stone  sparkles although it is  not sanded. In the East they believed that improves vision and helps memory. To prove his power, “saint” his “patients” touched opal. Opal should not be left in the jewelry box or in a drawer, because it will lose luster, beauty and its magnetic power.

Lucky Talisman: Copper and opal is convenient for people idealist while it is harmful to those who are slaves of their passions; Tourmaline stone discovered in the eighteenth century, has a feature that gladdens the spirit; Emerald is a stone of hope; coral protects against the evil look.

Libra Strength:

They  are very intelligent wise  and honest, and have the ability to tackle challenging tasks with a balanced mind. Being diplomatic, graceful, charming, peace loving and idealistic are their other strengths.  They have the ability to maintain balance in challenging situations. They are therefore often found in settling peace between parties.

Libra Weakness:
Their most prominent drawback is that Libras  can take up fights with people just to prove that they are right. They often  tend to retreat rather than confront a situation with courage. Some of their other negative points are: shallow, fatalistic, irresolute and unreliable. At time they can become capricious and turn absolutely malicious, which often take their closed ones by surprise, that is why theytend to lose their close friends as well.


Weak points: Libra controls the kidneys, urinary glands, ovaries and skin. A person is prone to psychological imbalance, which is manifested by various depressions.
good bad 5Positive qualities of Libra: Tactfulness, alert, intellectual, charming, poised, ability to please, balanced, a definite craving for fair-play. Libra people are the best when it comes to handle an awkward situation. They are diplomatic and know how to manage the weirdest situations. Libras  often bridge the gap between people. They keep a principle in their mind and do accordingly. They are great hosts.

Negative qualities of Libra: Insecurity, insincerity, detachment, artificiality, selfishness, laziness, superficiality. Libra people  are very self-indulging. They can forget the rest of the world. Sometimes, they get so carried away  that it becomes very uncanny with others. They also may find them unreliable. They often act pessimistic.  Almost all Libras are reluctant to say their heart. They have the hardest time, when they are asked to make a decision.
Possible health concerns: Libra is prone to back-pain, kidney problems, skin diseases and eczema. The Libra must also be alert about not gaining weight. They  must avoid over-indulging in anything, as nervousness and irritability are extremely unsuitable for them, and may lead them to serious medical problems. The Libra should  have a balanced diet and drink lots of water and  try to exercise regularly. Yoga and meditation.

Compatible Zodiac signs: Aquarius, Scorpio, Pisces and Leo.

Famous personalities: Mahatma Gandhi, Jaiprakash Narayan, R.K. Narayan, Ashok Kumar and Hema Malini, Alfred Nobel, Annie Besent, Anthony Hopkins, Catherine Zeta Jones, Kate Winslet, Desmond Tutu, Matt Damon. You might be also interested to read about

posaoLibra Career .Libra people  have great creative mind, they are intelligent and intuitive. That is why they succeed in most of the trades they choose. Their creative mind helps them become successful in careers like actors, dramatists, theatrical personalities, musicians, sports figures, politicians. Suitable professions: Related with art, music, writing, acting


rp_libra-in-love1-243x300.jpgLibra Love and marriage 
Librans are ruled by Venus and that is why  they are absolute romantics at hearts. Romantic relations with Libra can be exciting and full of fun and adventures too. They also tend to settle for long term relationships and stay very  loyal to their partners. They will move cautiously in their romantic relations and don’t get intimate readily. Librans are tender lovers,  sensual and  can attract partners very easily.






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