Natal chart for Elon Musk
Elon Reeve Musk južnoafrički je investitor, inženjer, i izumitelj. Osnivač je, glavni izvršni direktor i glavni tehnološki suradnik SpaceX-a; suosnivač, investitor, izvršni direktor i arhitekt proizvoda Tesla Inc.; supredsjedatelj OpenAI; osnivač i glavni izvršni direktor Neuralink-a i osnivač The Boring Company.
28 June 1971 at 16:54 (4:54 pm) (time zone = UTC +2) |
Universal Time: 14:54 |
Pretoria Central, Gauteng, South Africa |
25°S45′ 28°E11′ |
Tropical Zodiac |
Placidus Houses |
Planets and Points in The Signs
Sun in Cancer 6° 15′ 51″
The essence of mystery and depth affiliated with the sign of cancer origins from the water aspect and the Moon nature. The character of a Cancer is determined in the early childhood, so, various good and experiences will make a mark on his personality. The persons with the Sun in Cancer are characterized by gentleness, intuition, naivety, romanticism, mildness as well as possessives. He will give himself completely to those in need of friendship. Being that the Cancer is loyal, he will not stand betrayal, if it comes to that, he will retrieve inside of himself and give in to pessimism.
Ascendant in Sagittarius 29° 49′ 27″
The sign or Ascendant in Sagittarius makes you a famous and friendly person. You are open to new experiences and prefer to be active. This person is cheerful, exceptional, noble, merciful, and full of hope and goodwill toward others. He loves freedom and independence and will not allow anyone to interfere in his life or affairs. People with this sign are often witty and in a good mood. They are honest, fearless, impulsive, and open but also nervous. They are ambitious, simple, quick to conclude, and fast to make decisions. They are possessive and intuitive, especially in love. They are tireless in their work, which often worries and burdens them. People with Sagittarius in their sign pay a lot of attention to religious customs, they love sports, and whenever possible, they practice it, even though it is a hobby. They love animals and travel. I can practice law, medicine, and philosophy. This sign could be better in commercial affairs because it makes people aggressive and intolerant. The ruling planet is Jupiter.
Physical appearance: tall, prominent, well-built people. They usually have an oblong or oval face, a round forehead, expressive blue or greenish eyes, and a clear complexion, while their hair is brown (until it falls out), and the risk of baldness for people with this sign is high. Mental abilities: This is an active and enterprising type. He is likable and humane but sometimes impulsive. He likes to travel and do all kinds of sports outdoors. He also wants to learn very much, which is not difficult for him. You are tall and athletic, with broad shoulders. Slim. You have a very harmonious body.
Moon in Virgo 12° 55′ 57″
The moon in Virgo primarily points to calm, practical and persistent persons. They approach life with clearly defined goals; they don’t have much understanding for time lost in daydreaming. They are too analytical and perfectionists, constantly searching for perfection. One can also discuss sexually perverted persons in constant search for new kinds of carnal pleasures. They have to perform any kind of work to the point of perfection because they do not accept even the slightest error.
Mercury in Cancer 14° 52′ 46″
Mercury in this positions produces diplomats, tactical persons whom are by nature loyal and goodhearted. Mercury in Cancer is sensitive and withdrawn. These people are very thoughtful of others, shy and may choose not to talk at all. These persons have a great memory of the smallest details. They are great listeners, and can actually make decisions faster than it appears. Cancer Mercury has a terrific memory, too especially if it is emotional in nature. They are easily adjusted to the environment and they are able to swiftly change their viewpoints.
Venus in Gemini 19° 52′ 27″
Venus in Gemini represents feelings that are joyful, easygoing and easily expressed. If at any moment it is necessary to say “You are beautiful”, “You are so handsome”, or, ‘ how do you feel about spending the day with friends”, Venus in Gemini enters the stage. They have to immediately share impressions of the song they’ve just heard, the book they read that made them think about love, or about a person they’ve just noticed in the neighborhood. They have to share their feelings all the time. Able to take part in any activity, ride a bike, swim, go to the movies, read and anything one can think of. They enjoy versatility and diversity, and their role is to enjoy and feel pleasure.
Mars in Aquarius 20° 58′ 00″
They enjoy surprising people. Mars in Aquarius natives often have a rather original view of the world as well. They are quite proud of their independence. If you’ve discovered a pattern to their ways, they’ll make sure they aren’t so predictable. They are quite clever at getting what they want. One of the most pleasant characteristics of Mars in Aquarius natives is their willingness to let others be. The Aquarian ideal of equality works big time with this position, and the desire to push their agenda on others (usually in creative, rather than aggressive, ways) runs high.
Jupiter in Scorpio 27° 37′ 05″ Rx
They attracts the most good fortune when they puts it “all” into a project and uses their magnetic powers to heal others. Enthusiastic for deeper studies and meanings. They love everything that is taboo or mysterious, psychology. They value decisiveness, intensity, willpower, commitment, and strength. Science and research may be prosperous avenues. They seek knowledge intensely in areas of secrecy. They may be interested in the occult, police work, or deep psychology, or even magic. They can be driven by powerful hidden motives. They often uncovers secrets, perhaps secrets of science and nature. They are a “big picture” persons and may intuitively know what is going on. In what you do, they are thorough and loyal.
Saturn in Gemini 1° 10′ 02″
Saturn in Gemini strives for affirmation through knowledge. This makes them stand firmly on the ground. They care to be appreciated for their intellectual maturity. If someone has to play the role of the wise man, that is certainly them. They rely on their intellect. Gemini tend to build firm structure and security through contacts and communication. They might be slaves of prejudices or are narrow minded. But they do not resent for that. Those characteristics comes from the fear of being taken as not serious and irresponsible. Thee need to defend their own integrity through intellectual process is present.
Uranus in Libra 9° 29′ 09″
Uranus in Libra can shine in art, musica or in literature. They have an original way of expressing themselves. Libras have an original way of expressing themselves. They have a strong sense of justice. Libra Uranus may also experience domestic troubles, sorrow and separation from their partner. Libra Uranus is usually far-sighted and can think clearly. Uranus in Libra brings changes to partnerships, art and law. Libras do things in an unconventional way. Sometimes even shocking way.
Neptune in Sagittarius 0° 48′ 19″ Rx
Neptune in Sagittarius is intuitive and may have psychic talents. They want experiences that expand their senses. Sagittarius people are enthusiastic about reaching their life goals. They may have difficulty with people who have different beliefs than their own. Neptune in Sagittarius people are always seeking for the next adventure. They want to keep their mind sharp. But, they can waste energy and overestimate their abilities. They also love education, learning, abundance and possibility . Sagittarius people are free to take a trip to a far corner of Earth. Their goal is learning something new. They give and receive a lot because progress is only possible if you are generous.
Pluto in Virgo 27° 05′ 52″
Virgo can become obsessed with little details. That is why Pluto in Virgo feels they can make anything better. Sometimes they can become too preoccupied with a project. Pluto represents transformations, spiritual inclination and the struggle for being perfect. Pluto in Virgo can help us to better organize our life. Other people can help the Virgo Pluto people to loosen up a bit. This will allow us to see the bigger picture and better understand life as a whole.
Chiron in Aries 13° 42′ 13″
Your healing journey involves the search for your true identity. Your gift is to be centered in your Higher Self. You will find a strong sense of self when you stop searching for it. In other words, this is because you already are that Self. Also, you’re a natural leader and innovator. In other words, you can empower others to be stronger. You have the ability for timing your actions perfectly in the moment. Also, you can combine action with compassion. You can help others in a way that empowers them, because you understand how it feels to be powerless.
Black Moon Lilith in Libra 3° 05′ 51″
Aspirations that cannot be fulfilled. Desire for mental balance can lead to fanaticism. Lilith brings fanatical and false spiritual leaders. Lilith in Libra can be incredibly seductive. In other words, it brings charm. Lilith in Libra could suffer injustice despite her constant fight for equality. Karmic duty is to learn to accept people for who they are. At her best, Lilith in Libra is a natural leader and a charming diplomat. Lilith in Libra gives people that are very receptive to outside influences. Also, Lilith brings fighter for social justice and equality.
North Node in Aquarius 15° 07′ 23″
North Node in Aquarius brings the conflict between the egocentric showing off and being aware that you belong to a group. There is a conflict between platonic love and passionate erotic experience. North Node in Aquarius brings the conflict between passionate, sensual love and pure friendship. It also brings conflict between egocentric showing off and the awareness that you belong to a group.
If you are born with a Aquarius north node, your destiny involves a path of balancing between the spotlight and being a team player. Also, there is balancing between self-gratifying luxury and a bohemian. You can drift between privileged, patrician worlds and some of the most spiritually ones. Your heart can be big, but so can your appetites. You are a powerful change maker. But in this lifetime, you can get lost in a crowd.
Part of Fortune in Pisces 6° 29′ 34″
Fortune in Pisces makes you a person who enjoys harmony, tenderness, and emotions. You have great intelligence and charm. You have many talents; you are interested in art. You have a specific mystery that attracts people.
Vertex in Taurus 13° 46′ 42″
Vertex in Taurus shows you as a sensual person greedy for all your possessions. As a result, you have an interaction with which you can attract just about anyone into your life.
Midheaven in Virgo 16° 40′ 07″
Midheaven in Virgo makes you an optimistic person regarding work and money. You consider every problem from several sides and approach it very cautiously. You value punctuality and neatness and are very responsible.
Planets and Points in The Houses
Sun in Seventh House
They take pride in their ability to negotiate, and to establish harmony in relationships. It is important to them to have a partner because they feel incomplete without one. One of the lessons in their life may be to avoid putting harmony and others’ opinions of them above their own needs. They have to use social skills and seek out peaceful relations with others, but to try not to over-identify with their partnerships.They are interested in relationships, love to share. They must learn not to put their objectives aside just because of their compliant nature.
This astrological position suggests eventual success in marriage.
Moon in Ninth House
They are a philosophical sort, curious about the world, other people and different cultures. They are often extremely restless if they don’t have a definite goal in mind. They are often longing to be somewhere else when they are unhappy. This attitude is only keeping them from enjoying and improving upon the situation they are now in. They have a craving for things which are far away and foreign. They want to immerse themselves in the feelings and tastes of a new places, rather than simply have facts or an intellectual appreciation.
Mercury in Seventh House
Your relationships tend to gravitate towards people who are intelligent, thought-provoking and learned. You need to communicate and exchange ideas with your partner. you are always up for a good debate. You may spend much time thinking about your relationship. Marriage may be quite often on your mind. Above all, you desire a partner who challenges you mentally. Their value is enhanced if they help you better adapt with others. Yet that is what you seek in a partner. Nervousness or mental imbalance may be present. Your partner may possibly be connected with education, writing, traveling, sales, language interpretation or computer work.
Venus in Sixth House
Their expressions of love and affection are practical and helpful. They love to be of service to a partner. While they may not be flowery or showy when it comes to expressing love, they show love by their availability, rendering services and doing practical things for a loved ones. They are often talented at design work with the goal of finding order and harmony in everything. They might pass up on true love opportunities in favor of relationships that serve a practical purpose in their life. Selling themselves short is something that keeps them from going after what and who they want.
Mars in Third House
You are restless, high-strung and have an abundance of nervous energy. Above all, you have an intense belief in your own ideas. Also, you are alert, determined and enthusiastic. You possess an abundance of mental energy. There can be problems with siblings or neighbors. Also, there will be many short journeys. Energy is expended in neighborhood activities. Mars in the third house suggests aggressive and active intellect. They are direct and sharp. Also, they tend to cause conflicts in their family. They often criticize the personal shortcomings of others. Developing analytical thinking is important, as impulsive thinking will bring difficulties. In conclusion, they are always in a hurry and they are very competitive.
Jupiter in Twelfth House
You tend to be philanthropic and have great faith in the future. There is a love of humanity and a great desire to help others. These people usually like to work alone or work independently in the background of events. Work in a hospital or jail is possible. They are willing to help others without expecting a reward. Success comes in a quiet, unassuming manner in middle life. You can be unrealistic. So, it is important to think all ideas carefully through before carrying them out. Also, these people have the tendency for exaggerated, badly thought-through, subconscious actions. If Jupiter is negatively aspected, it can bring out neuroses or delusions. Remember, Jupiter in houses is protective and beneficial.
Saturn in Sixth House
Obstructions of health, or limitations in health can come into play. Diet may need to be watched and improved. Your body may not assimilate everything it needs from the food you eat. Perhaps taking vitamins would help in this regard. There may be difficulties at the workplace. That is because of your attitudes toward others. You cannot always expect others to work as hard as you. Above all, you are a practical, conscientious, hard worker. You may not be at your best with strict time deadlines. It indicates reliable and hardworking people, even if their work is boring. The tendency to worry may affect your health causing depression and hypochondria. Remember, Saturn in houses doesn’t like to make things easy for people.
Uranus in Tenth House
You are not a conformer and do not wish a career that is uneventful and commonplace. Above all, you are highly independent and wish to be self-employed. These people have unusual approach towards their career, so they need to work independently. Often, they clash with authority figures because they want to be the authority. They may also choose unorthodox careers. Also, your rebellious nature may cause you to do the opposite of what you are told to. You have a strong imagination, intuition and creativity .. Sudden changes in job fortune are probable. Routine work drives you crazy. A career in electronics, computers, invention or metaphysics is possible. Remember, Uranus in the houses encourages change.
Neptune in Twelfth House
Neptune in the fourth house shows that you are a person who keeps some family secrets about your origins. You are very gentle and sensitive. However, you do not have a stable character; you are melancholic. You often suffer from some disappointments.
Pluto in Tenth House
Unforeseen activities can affect your career. This position of Pluto gives ambition for prestige and leadership. Elements of the world society can directly influence your job or your social status. You are self-assertive. So, you need to be diplomatic and patient. This position gives a desire for power. In other words, you want the top spot. In other words, your hunger for power will drive you to work longer and harder than anyone else. You might even get famous! Pluto suggests a career in a scientific field, medicine, or in a profession where one can deal with powerful individuals. Also, you enjoy working behind the scenes to accomplish your goals. Above all, you have an instinct for knowing why people do the things they do.
Chiron in Fourth House
Chiron in the fourth house makes you insecure in a family environment. You are sensitive and lack self-confidence. You are accompanied by the feeling that you are not loved enough. You have to face realit
Black Moon Lilith in Tenth House
Lilith brings out feelings of shame or for desire to excel, succeed, or reach for worldly goals. Also Lilith brings feeling uncomfortable around people who seem materialistic, status-conscious, or ambitious. It can be hard for people with this placement to connect with their own ambitions. The path to empowerment is self-acceptance and moderation. In 10th House, Lilith is completely ruthless. If her hopes and desires are not met, she can be ice-cold. This placement is notorious for mixing business with pleasure. So, career is often connected to sex. Karmic duty is drawing a line between emotions and. At her best, Lilith in 10th House has an extraordinary endurance. This can also apply to Lilith in Capricorn.
North Node in Second House
The North Node of the Moon in the second house indicates that you are a person who, from the past incarnation, often relies on others, especially regarding finances. Financial stability is essential to you; in life, you usually achieve this stability through your love partner.
Part of Fortune in Third House
Fortune in the third house indicates that you are a courageous person. You face the problems before you; you don’t let anyone push you into a corner. You have a talent for philosophy; you often deal with psychology.
Vertex in Fifth House
Vertex in the fifth house shows that you are childish, inner freedom, and emotional life are essential to you. You have deep fears of rejection; you need a partner who will know how to take care of you and respect you. Your relationships are very romantic.
Sun Sextile Moon (orb 6°40′)
The Sun sextile the Moon, shows your sexuality, the way you treat the opposite sex. Your sexuality is powerful and magnetic. You make sudden decisions in love; frequent adventures accentuate the tendency. You have a strong desire for rough sex; you like new things, and you are tired of a partner who wants routine. You often leave your partner because of nasty sex. You have good relations with your superiors and colleagues and respect their trust in you. Because you are a good listener and speaker, you learn well and can use what you know.
Sun Square Uranus (orb 3°13′)
Sun square Uranus is an aspect that gives you a big ego. In this aspect, you have a great sense of personal freedom, and for you, the challenge is what you have to do. However, this aspect also makes you fear what you must do to avoid jeopardizing your freedom.
Sun Quincunx Neptune (orb 5°28′)
The Sun’s inconjunct Neptune is an aspect for you in which you have a strong imagination. You are attracted to secrets and mysteries. Thanks to your vision and intuition, you are always one step ahead of others.
Sun Square Chiron (orb 7°26′)
The Sun square with Chiron is a transit that shows that you are success-oriented and intolerant of philosophy and unconventional concepts. You feel as if they are a threat to your identity and way of life. Stick to tradition, and don’t let anything outside of it come near you. You could have some difficult decisions to make regarding treatment and ter apium.
Sun Square Black Moon Lilith (orb 3°10′)
The Sun square with Lilith is a transit in which you are self-absorbed; you are the most important to yourself. You have very naive expectations that make you a very unpleasant person. To avoid embarrassment, surrender to the power of your own mind and intuition.
Sun Trine Part of Fortune (orb 0°14′)
Sun trine with the point of Fortune is a transit in which you have high expectations in love and work. Regarding partner relationships, you are insatiable and expect a lot of attention. You do your best at work but are always happy when you are praised or rewarded.
Sun Sextile Vertex (orb 7°31′)
The Sun sextile with the Vertex is a transit for you in which you have the means to achieve your second-hand goals. Work hard, and success is guaranteed. Of course, you aspire to great earnings and wealth, but you also have conditions for that.
Sun Opposition Ascendant (orb 6°26′)
In opposition to the Ascendant, the Sun is an aspect in which there is a great tendency to look for yourself through other people. You very often cooperate with close people, friends, or a partner. You are an excellent negotiator; you like to listen to others and their problems.
Moon Sextile Mercury (orb 1°57′)
The Moon sextile with Mercury is an excellent transit that allows you to learn, gain knowledge, and progress. You have great potential to realize everything you have started.
Moon Square Venus (orb 6°57′)
The Moon square with Venus is a transit for you in which there are limitations and difficulties for realizing your love life. For example, you’re pretty shy or have too many expectations, making it harder to achieve balance in your love life.
Moon Quincunx Chiron (orb 0°46′)
Moon inconjunct Chiron is the aspect in which you are looking for yourself. Your time and life in this transit are dedicated to family and loved ones. Happiness is necessary for understanding your views, and you find it in the family circle.
Moon Quincunx North Node (orb 2°11′)
The month in conjunction with The North Node of the Moon, is a transit for you that shows a harmonious family situation. You fix everything wrong and in bad relations with family members in this transit.
Moon Opposition Part of Fortune (orb 6°26′)
Moon opposition point Fortune aspect in which you are ready for new beginnings. Your happiness is with a loved one; you are prepared for marriage or offspring. Your partner’s attitude is essential to you, but you still try to get the environment and friends to approve of your actions.
Moon Trine Vertex (orb 0°51′)
Moon trine Vertex aspect is where your love life is in full swing. You love and know that the loved one is ready to follow you. You are proud and full of enthusiasm for new challenges in work. People and the environment appreciate your knowledge.
Moon Conjunction Midheaven (orb 3°44′)
The month of the conjunction Medium Coel is a transit in which you are social and successfully establish contacts and acquaintances. You strive for socializing and new ideas, you are imaginative, and people appreciate you.
Mercury Quincunx Mars (orb 6°5′)
Mercury inconjunct Mars is a transit where you often want to change your lifestyle but can’t decide how. Your wishes depend on your family in this transit. You are not independent; you wait and ask someone to choose for you.
Mercury Square Uranus (orb 5°24′)
Mercury square Uranus transit is unfavorable for you because you have poor communication with colleagues, and reckless experimentation, which gets you into trouble. But, on the other hand, in the field of love, this transit gives you sudden favorable changes, even a sudden meeting with a loved one.
Mercury Square Chiron (orb 1°11′)
Mercury square with Chiron is where you often encounter verbal conflicts with the environment and interpersonal relationships. The reason for sinking is your strong desire to impose your views and low tolerance.
Mercury Quincunx North Node (orb 0°15′)
Mercury inconjunct with the North Node of the Moon gives you good results in social events, and the environment appreciates you. Family life is essential to you. Your karmic inheritance in this transit gives you complete freedom to love.
Mercury Sextile Vertex (orb 1°6′)
Mercury sextile with the Vertex for you is a transit in which you have the means to achieve your second-hand goals. Work hard and success is guaranteed. Of course, you aspire to great earnings and wealth, but you also have conditions for that.
Mercury Sextile Midheaven (orb 1°47′)
Mercury sextile Medium Coel is the most crucial aspect of your career. Here you are devoted to emotions and imagination; your success is in the first place. You are successful in achieving your goals with ease and being self-confident.
Venus Trine Mars (orb 1°6′)
Venus trine Mars is a transit in which, if you are single, it is undoubtedly a transit where you meet new people and enter into new relationships. However, for those who are married or already in a relationship, this is a transit in which you plan your offspring or life together.
Venus Quincunx Jupiter (orb 7°45′)
Venus’s inconjunct Jupiter is an aspect in which problems in communication, both business and private, are emphasized in love. You have no will to make excuses or make compromises.
Venus Square Pluto (orb 7°13′)
Venus square Pluto this transit brings you a challenging period full of turbulent events in the field of love. The danger of ending insecure and weak love relationships and starting the divorce process in unstable marriages is especially emphasized.
Venus Sextile Chiron (orb 6°10′)
Venus sextile Chiron is a favorable transit for you, in which you are encouraged by better overcoming the realization of desires in love. However, it is also possible to see intolerant in love more often, inappropriate behavior in which it is necessary to see the problem more than once.
Venus Trine North Node (orb 4°45′)
Venus trines the North Node of the Moon and brings you a transit in which you are in love. But, unfortunately, your infatuation during this transit is also fleeting. You don’t know how to choose a partner; you wander, but in love and happy.
Venus Square Midheaven (orb 3°12′)
Venus square Midheaven is a transit in which you have strong emotions in the higher spheres of life, and there is a danger that you will jeopardize business opportunities because of this.
Mars Square Jupiter (orb 6°39′)
Mars square Jupiter is a transit for you that brings great impulsiveness, playfulness and boldness. You often try to prove yourself to others and/or yourself. You want exciting experiences and are rarely satisfied with your life as it is.
Mars Quincunx Pluto (orb 6°8′)
Mars inconjunct Pluto is a transit in which you are very impulsive and impulsive, you try to lead sadder lives, not caring about the consequences. You often come into conflict with the law during this transit.
Mars Sextile Chiron (orb 7°16′)
Mars sextile Chiron is a favorable transit for you, in which you are encouraged by better overcoming the realization of desires in love. However, it is also possible to see intolerant in love more often, inappropriate behavior in which it is necessary to see the problem more than once.
Mars Conjunction North Node (orb 5°51′)
Mars’s conjunction with the North Node of the Moon is a transit in which you have a wide range of communication. As a result, you always reach your goals. Your karmic heritage is good, and luck is indeed in your favor.
Mars Square Vertex (orb 7°11′)
Mars square with the Vertex for you is a transit in which you face problems in achieving your goals. To reach them, it is essential to set realistic goals.
Mars Quincunx Midheaven (orb 4°18′)
Mars inconjunct Midheaven is a transit where you have solid ambitions but wait to reach your goals. During this transit, you must understand that time must pass for your aspirations to be realized.
Jupiter Opposition Saturn (orb 3°33′)
Jupiter’s opposition to Saturn for you is a transit in which, during this transit, you could feel a more vital need to achieve greater independence so that your behavior in the field of love could easily be misinterpreted. In this sense, you may be losing interest.
Jupiter Conjunction Neptune (orb 3°11′)
Jupiter’s conjunct Neptune is a transit that brings you both positive and negative qualities. For example, you tend to exaggerate with idealism, creativity, and naivety.
Jupiter Sextile Pluto (orb 0°31′)
Jupiter sextile Pluto is a transit in which you are full of optimism and cheerfulness and look at life that way. During this transit, nothing can shake you and your ambitions.
Jupiter Sextile Black Moon Lilith (orb 5°29′)
Jupiter’s sextile with Lilith is a transit in which your wishes do not match reality. As a result, you are prone to excessive whimsical outbursts and demands. This transit is not suitable for you either in business or in love. Keeping a job and a love relationship takes a lot of effort.
Saturn Opposition Neptune (orb 0°22′)
Saturn opposition Neptune during this transit, you may have an increased need to set high goals. Still, this transit also offers a more transparent review of possibilities to better align with reality.
Saturn Trine Pluto (orb 4°4′)
Saturn trines Pluto with you; this transit indicates a possible more accessible occurrence of situations that, to achieve better success, often require innovation or a greater willingness to make adequate adjustments and to take a broader view of such situations.
Saturn Trine Black Moon Lilith (orb 1°56′)
Saturn trine with Lilith is a transit in which you do not have clear logic and thinking. This applies primarily to emotional relationships. You are jealous; you have a hard time keeping your partner. You are vital to yourself; you often go from relationship to relationship. You look for meaning in love but don’t see yourself running away from it.
Saturn Square Part of Fortune (orb 5°20′)
Saturn square with the Point of Fortune for you in this transit means you are a loyal friend, colleague, or business partner. Everyone can rely on you. The environment respects you and is happy to be in your company. Happiness for you is in small things, a circle of people who appreciate you.
Saturn Quincunx Ascendant (orb 1°21′)
Saturn’s inconjunct Ascendant for you is a transit where you face past mistakes, be they business or love. Look for ways to correct them, and in many situations, you will succeed.
Uranus Opposition Chiron (orb 4°13′)
Uranus opposition Chiron is an aspect in which you have left your past, let go of your traumas and are moving towards better beginnings. You are happy and emotionally satisfied with your partner. Decisions about marriage or planning offspring are up to you.
Uranus Conjunction Black Moon Lilith (orb 6°23′)
Uranus conjunct Lilith is a transit in which you have a magnetic attraction. You are self-confident, waiting for an opportunity to show your love and sexual skills. You cheat and change partners, but your sexuality is at its peak.
Uranus Trine North Node (orb 5°38′)
Uranus trine the North Node of the Moon is a transit where you are a big fan of tradition and customs. You have solid and good intellectual abilities. You progress very well with the help of teamwork.
Uranus Quincunx Part of Fortune (orb 2°60′)
Uranus inconjunct the point of Fortune for you is a transit in which you are loving. You like to flirt; you want to be selected by the opposite sex. You succeed in that. You are charming and know how to communicate very well. You are a favorite in society. For you, happiness is only love.
Uranus Quincunx Vertex (orb 4°18′)
Uranus’s inconjunct Vertex is a transit for you in which you are aware of your flaws and virtues. You meet people who become essential for your future. You and your partner are ready for joint decisions, including marriage. Your environment and family appreciate you.
Neptune Sextile Pluto (orb 3°42′)
Neptune sextile Pluto is a transit in which you consciously enter new business situations and confront others with what you consider essential for a quality life. During this transit, try to be a humanitarian.
Neptune Sextile Black Moon Lilith (orb 2°18′)
Neptune’s sextile with Lilith’s transit means that your wishes do not match reality. You are prone to excessive whimsical outbursts and demands. This transit is not suitable for you either in business or in love. Keeping a job and a love relationship takes a lot of effort.
Neptune Square Part of Fortune (orb 5°41′)
Neptune square Fortune point is where you find yourself and replace your flaws with virtues. Then, finally, you are ready to change to make your love wishes come true. Your love life is full of action and passion. You are eager for adventure and flirting.
Pluto Conjunction Black Moon Lilith (orb 5°60′)
Pluto conjunction Lilith transit is where you cannot remove the difficulties that have arrived. All attempts to stabilize your life are unsuccessful. Loss of a job or inheritance is often possible during this transit.
Pluto Square Ascendant (orb 2°44′)
Pluto square Ascendant transit is for you where you feel you are destined to have a powerful impact on people’s lives. You want to control everything around you.
Chiron Sextile North Node (orb 1°25′)
Chiron sextile The North Node of the Moon is a transit in which you consciously create problems with your partner because you don’t dare to stand up to those people who brought you to a state of anger, so you lash out at your partner.
Chiron Quincunx Midheaven (orb 2°58′)
Chiron, in conjunction with Midheaven transit, is for you where you are ready to do anything to succeed in what you want. There is nothing you can’t handle; you are at the top of business and the love segment.
Black Moon Lilith Quincunx Part of Fortune (orb 3°24′)
Lilith inconjunct the point of Fortune is an aspect in which you dedicate yourself to your happiness and success. You enjoy what you have, and family and love are your priority, which sometimes leads to work problems that need to be addressed.
Black Moon Lilith Square Ascendant (orb 3°16′)
Lilith square Ascendant is an aspect with you in which the need for better expression of thoughts, feelings, and personal attitudes in writing or through the realization of oral, interpersonal communication may be emphasized.
North Node Square Vertex (orb 1°21′)
The Moon’s North Node square Vertex is an aspect in which you do not like to depend on others; you are a loner and proud of your individuality. During this aspect, you are looking for love harmony, but you have complex criteria to meet, so you often end up alone.
North Node Quincunx Midheaven (orb 1°33′)
Sow faithful moon node inconjunct Midheaven with you; this transit indicates emphasized possibilities for achieving greater satisfaction with the situation on the love and financial level, as well as in the field of education.
Part of Fortune Sextile Vertex (orb 7°17′)
The point of Fortune sextile Vertex transit is where you are ready to make decisions or start a serious relationship or marriage. During this aspect, you readily show emotions and prove your love.
Part of Fortune Sextile Ascendant (orb 6°40′)
The point of Fortune sextile Ascendant is a transit that indicates an increased need for open expression of passion and tenderness in love. Also, this transit helps you better fulfill your expectations on the love and financial front.
Vertex Trine Midheaven (orb 2°53′)
Vertex trine Medium Coel aspect is where you decide on new business ventures in which you see higher and better earnings. You consciously take risks, and your intuition during this transit is very important for your success.