Natal Chiron – North Node aspects
- Natal Chiron – North Node aspects represent the relationship between the lessons you need to learn with conscious motivations relevant to the present and future. Thus, the South Node represents subconscious motivations that stem from the past and to which there is an inner inclination to cling although they may no longer be relevant or appropriate to the individual’s situation and prospects, while the North Node represents conscious motivations relevant to the present and future, characterized by a desire for the changes in personal psychology.
- Chiron’s position is indicative of the type of lesson that could be learned through the process of self-healing during our lifetime. Chiron is just one element of the whole chart, and the interpretation needs to be collocated in a wider context. See also the interpretations for Chiron in the Houses and North Node in the Signs to see what specific parts of your life this aspect will take place in. It is important for natal chart interpretation.
A statement that represents the Chiron – North node aspects: conscious motivations!
The nodes take into account the Sun, the moon, and the earth. The nodes change signs every 18 months approximately. People born within your same lunar node group are like your “soul tribe.” They fall in the same signs that the eclipses are in when you’re born. Below is Natal Chiron – North Node aspects ts interpretation.
Chiron conjunct North Node
- Typical features that this conjunction brings: you will create a way of life as a healer, or spiritual teacher. In other words, you will be completely frustrated until this way of life is found. You could also learn some herbal healing. With these Natal Chiron – North Node aspects you tend to talk a lot about how you want to achieve the great things represented by the natal house occupied by Chiron. In your quest to heal yourself, you find your life path. The key to finding your life path is to accept your whole self and others as they are. Using your knowledge and experience to help others is at the very core of who you are. The house where your Chiron occurs shows which area of life you might best be able to help other people around you. You hold a key. Your presence heals others. While seeking solutions to your problems you uncover methods of healing that you can share with others. You can create solutions where none has existed before. Embrace those qualities that make you different from others. And embody your unique qualities. Find your passion, by analyzing the natal house occupied by Chiron. That will lead you into an authentic role you play in your community. In order for you to move on your spiritual paths, your shadow sides must be solved. People go through a very important spiritual change by discovering the deepest of their dark sides.
- Positive traits: With these Natal Chiron – North Node aspects you love helping people and giving advice on their relationships with others. You will help people with guidance by using your know-how.
- Negative traits: You are really bad at taking your own advice though, and that’s actually one of the challenges of this aspect.
Chiron opposition North Node
- Typical features that this opposition brings: you are often obsessed with your independence. Also, you can be lost in your deeper rage and unrestrained emotions. Those things may distract you from your potentials. Your main potential is to be a role model or healer for other people. You often feel like an outcast. That is because of your past wounds and traumas. So, your first reaction is often to get lost in vengeful rage rather than transforming your traumatic energy into opportunities to heal yourself and others. Facing your wounds is a key to opening your deeper power and creativity. You need to learn to accept the strength past wounds have given you. These Natal Chiron – North Node aspects will push you to analyze the anger inside of you. Often when you name something, understand, and become consciously aware of the negative potential it loses its power over you and you can use the energy in a positive way. These Natal Chiron – North Node aspects are about accepting yourself with all your scars and imperfections and helping other people accept themselves too. Identifying your own “sore points” and learning how to feel awkward” or out of place without hating or blaming yourself will be the beginning of a long process of healing.
- Positive traits: With these Natal Chiron – North Node aspects you have great and fascinating energy. That energy leads you to the focal point of your life. The experiences of power and powerlessness and the encounter with your own Shadow help you to overcome your life challenges and find your life path.
- Negative traits: The negative side of this aspect is that you have dark fantasies and desires that result in your feeling like an outcast.
Chiron square North Node
- Typical features that this square brings: the square may make you feel blocked by your wounds, past traumas, and limitations on your right life path. So, one of your tasks will be to figure out how to get around the Chiron block. Chiron’s flavor is dictated by its sign and house placement. You will stumble over this multiple times. But, you can get access to the goodies in your 30s. So, by then you can work with the block not keep butting into it. You kind of have to come to accept you have this blockage. Most importantly, you need to learn not to project it onto other people around you. With these Natal Chiron – North Node aspects a lot of what you blamed on your parents was actually your issue, not theirs. When you get a handle on this, it gets easier. If you keep at it you will grow more spiritually in this lifetime than people with easy aspects.
- Positive traits: The positive thing about this aspect is that it gives you vigor and determination that help you achieve your goals. With these Natal Chiron – North Node aspects you are confident in your abilities and this helps you overcome challenges in life.
- Negative traits: There is no harmony between the meaning of life and searching for its focal point. So, there may be strong internal dissatisfaction and excessive, unrealistic expectations. You usually want more from life than you can get and you push everything negative out.
- Individuals with too many squares: You are usually in constant tension. You are giving a major time to adjust the scenarios. You are very well known for your abrupt behavior. That causes you to be stressed out to the point of having a breakdown.
Chiron sextile North Node
- Typical features that sextile brings: it is a harmonious aspect. The house position of Chiron shows where your wounds are, and negative believe, or where you take things for granted. With these Natal Chiron – North Node aspects there may be some excessiveness or indulgence. This is fine because that house also shows where the luck is. Chiron symbolizes your injuries and incurable trauma. However, if you, instead of drowning in your own trauma, are able to accept the trauma help others who are also suffering, and accept that suffering is part of life, then you will find the key to wisdom. Sometimes the aspect brings more spiritual blessings than material ones. The Chiron is expanding the effect of the Nodes. So, it is important to align yourself with this energy, especially for opportunities for deep growth and spirituality. There is a tendency to take things for granted. What to do to make these Natal Chiron – North Node aspects work in your favor? Firstly, It would be beneficial for you to know what attracts you to mysterious things or people. Secondly, avoid acting in an extremist way. Above all, natal Chiron – North node aspects can surrender by consciously using the true power of love as your instrument.
- Individuals with too many sextiles: You tend to be too lazy and comfortable. For you, changing is hard and suffering. It is very hard for you to learn that you are stuck in a comfort zone. Sextiles create wonderful abilities instead of owning them. Your biggest work here is to realize how much you could be missing while sitting back and just relaxing.
Chiron Trine North Node
- Typical features that this trine brings: The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. With these Natal Chiron – North Node aspects, you incorporate the traits of the aspect into your personality, expressing them naturally and consistently. It is easy for you to draw past wounds and traumas in order to heal others. Also, you easily trust your instincts. You are intuitive and confident in your abilities and this helps you overcome challenges in life. The house position of Chiron shows where your wounds are, and negative believe, or where you take things for granted. So, it is important to align yourself with this energy, especially for opportunities for deep growth and spirituality. Also, you have the sources to follow your own deeper instincts and express your inner desires. Helping others to heal the wounds you have experienced brings you closer to validating your own wounds. You learn from your own traumas, so you have hard-earned wisdom. When you find the healing understanding, you are able to share it and to teach and inspire others to find their own inner power of self-healing. Working on self-acceptance is the key to empowerment. Chiron can open to the truth by opening to the intuitive knowledge of the universe. These Natal Chiron – North Node aspects are forcing you to be free from whatever’s holding you down. It comes easy to you to separate yourself from the crowd in a way that doesn’t bring intense reactions from people.
- Individuals with too many trines: Firstly, you tend to forget your best and most talented self. So, you need to keep reminding yourself of their hidden creative spots and what you need to do. Secondly, you have to work harder to realize such beautiful things in you.
MINOR Natal Chiron – North Node aspects
There are no minor aspects that are possible and relevant between Chiron and the North node.