Natal Jupiter – Moon aspects
Natal Jupiter – Moon aspects involve the relationship between a consistent will directed toward achieving happiness with instinctive and emotional patterns. The moon represents our emotional nature, our security, and our deepest needs. It contains our basic habits and unconscious reactions. In our personal chart, it shows how we respond to our environment emotionally. Jupiter is the planet of good luck, optimism, success, and generosity. Jupiter is the planet of luck, expansion, and philosophical beliefs. This shows where you’re big ’n lucky and a bit of a philosopher.
A statement that represents the Natal Jupiter – Moon aspects – I love life!!
Jupiter brings joy to life. Jupiter’s knowledge is on a philosophical level. Jupiter in your natal chart also shows where you are likely to receive financial and material benefits, and in turn, where you express generosity to others. Even when negatively positioned, Jupiter is protective and beneficial. See also the interpretations for Jupiter in the signs and Mars in the signs to see what specific parts of your life this aspect will take place in. It is important for natal chart interpretation. Below is the Natal Jupiter – Moon aspects interpretation.
Jupiter conjunct Moon
Typical features that this conjunction brings:
- You are very sensitive. Your disciplined emotional nature may sometimes be mistaken for coldness. This aspect burdens the emotional life with hardship, sadness, and guilt. Also, you tend to adopt a practical, business-like approach to the world of emotion. You have a fear of rejection. That is why you often adopt a very cool exterior, leading others to believe that they don’t need nurture. Holding people at arm’s length seems to be your instinctive response. The emotional reserve and ability to detach yourself emotionally can help you to succeed on a professional level. You relate more easily to persons who are older than you, especially in their youth. If you are not careful, you could develop a pessimistic view of life at times. This defeatist attitude should be avoided. Some may be attracted to relationships that include some hardship or adversity. You must try to avoid feeling guilty about indulging in emotional pleasure. There is something very trustworthy in your aura. Some are quite hilarious, generally possessing a sarcastic sense of humor. Building up a feeling of emotional security is most important because you have a tremendous urge to feel needed and valued. Showing others your deep emotions will turn isolation into companionship, and depression into satisfaction. As a parent, you can express the very best of Saturn maturity.
- Positive traits: With this Natal Jupiter – Moon aspects, you are sensitive, practical, and responsible.
- Negative traits: People with these Natal Jupiter – Moon aspects often take life too seriously. Fear can keep them from fulfilling experiences. When you let yourself receive nurture or care from others, an inner voice cautions you that it might not be sincere or long-lasting. It may seem easier to withdraw rather than take an emotional risk in life.
Jupiter opposition Moon
Typical features that this opposition brings
- – this is one of the most challenging aspects. That is because it can make you feel sad and lonely. Above all you want the emotional nourishment of a supportive intimate relationship. There are many obstacles in your way to experience that. Your relationship with your mother is critical. She may have been too strict or not been there for you. That is why you have a great deal of difficulty sharing your emotions. Also, other people may think you are emotionally distant. Lack of attention from others can make you feel lonely. This can lead to shyness and guilt. Fear keeps you from fully enjoying personal relationships. Also, fear is behind the occasional rigidity that you express. There can be some reluctance about becoming a parent. But once taken on, you don’t take your responsibility lightly. So, you need a stable home where you can feel safe. In your family life, they tend to artificially create too many duties. With this Natal Jupiter – Moon aspect, you need a lot of hard word to be comfortable showing your emotions. Conscious realization and admission of this problem is the first step. You do have feelings like everyone else but have to overcome barriers and restrictions to expose them. Ironically, you can be quite sarcastic, skeptical, and rigid in manner. This is a defense mechanism designed to protect you from the harshness of the world.
- Positive traits: This Natal Jupiter – Moon aspect is challenging. You are very sensitive. But this aspect makes you unable to express your feelings and you prefer to hide behind a mask you create.
- Negative trades: Without other more outgoing or happy influences in your chart, you may have a very serious nature and concern yourself only with practical matters. Also, you are inclined to depression.
Jupiter square Moon
Typical features that this square brings:
- this aspect is one of the most challenging aspects. That is because it can make you feel sad and lonely. Above all, you want the emotional nourishment of a supportive intimate relationship. There are many obstacles in your way to experience that. Your relationship with your mother is critical. She may have been too strict or not been there for you. You have a great deal of difficulty sharing your emotions. Also, other people may think you are emotionally distant. Lack of attention from others can make you feel lonely. This can lead to shyness and guilt. Fear keeps you from enjoying personal relationships. Also, fear is behind the occasional rigidity that you express. There can be some reluctance about becoming a parent. But once taken on, you don’t take your responsibility lightly. So, you need a stable home where you can feel safe. In your family life, you tend to create too many duties. Conscious realization and admission of this problem is the first step. You do have feelings like everyone else but have to overcome barriers and restrictions to expose them. Ironically, you can be quite sarcastic, skeptical and rigid in manner. This is a defense mechanism designed to protect you from harshness in the world
- Positive trades: This is another very hard and challenging aspect. You are very sensitive. But this aspect makes you unable to express your feelings and you prefer to hide behind a mask you create.
- Negative trades: This Natal Jupiter – Moon aspects has the potential to cause relationship problems, social awkwardness, and loneliness. Emotional immaturity makes it hard to make friends. Rejection or failed relationships would make you feel even worse about yourself.
Jupiter sextile Moon
Typical features that this sextile brings:
- aspect gives emotional maturity and stability in personal life. You are the responsible, serious and sober. Above all, you have emotional self-discipline and dependability. Others may think you are too boring or reserved. You keep it together and rarely display your emotions. But you are actually very emotional. People just have to dig deeper to see this. You make people feel safe and secure by providing the basics like food, shelter, and warmth. And this primal emotional nourishment gives you satisfaction. It is important not to miss out on opportunities because of your emotional reserve. It may be hard for you to maintain relationships. Strangers or new friends might find it difficult to connect to you at the emotional level. Family is very important to you. You will show how much you care for them in practical ways, not through public displays of emotion. Your task is to provide nourishment and comfort through food, shelter, and a shoulder to cry on. You need to see a certain level of commitment or loyalty before you open up and share your feelings. With this Natal Jupiter – Moon aspects, your instincts are towards caution, responsibility, and moderation. Also, your habits are simple and moderate as well. And this comes so naturally to you that you may have trouble understanding others who are less disciplined and grounded.
- Positive trades: It’s quite natural and easy for you to keep your cool during times of stress or emotional upheaval. You are very emotional. You show your feelings in more practical ways. Also, you can carry out your duties and responsibilities with care and patience.
- Negative trades: With this Natal Jupiter – Moon aspects, you keep your feelings for yourself. Strangers or new friends might find it difficult to connect to you at the emotional level.
Jupiter Trine Moon
Typical features that this trine brings:
- the aspect gives emotional maturity, patience and steady emotions. This This Natal Jupiter – Moon aspects indicates loyalty to and from your family. Also, you respect women and have good self-discipline. Your innate understanding of the past gives you a practical vision of the future. Your dependable nature earns you the respect of young people and the public in general. A steady position or leadership role is possible in the government, public service, education or psychology. You need to see a certain level of commitment or loyalty before you open up and share your feelings. Your instincts are towards caution, responsibility and moderation. Also, your habits are simple and moderate as well. You may have trouble understanding others who are less disciplined and grounded. You make people feel safe and secure by providing the basics like food, shelter and warmth. And this primal emotional nourishment gives you satisfaction. It is important not to miss out on opportunities because of your emotional reserve. It may be hard for you to maintain relationships. You do what seems right to you regardless of what others think. You are talented but self-satisfied and content. That keeps you aiming at the center of the road. This conservatism protects you from extremes of action so you may not accomplish much but you are always sufficiently productive to get rewarded for your efforts.
- Positive trades: Your strong intuition can guide you throughout life. It’s natural for you to keep your cool during times of stress. With this Natal Jupiter – Moon aspects, you are very emotional. You show your feelings in more practical ways. Also, you can carry out your duties and responsibilities with care and patience.
- Negative trades: You keep your feelings for yourself. New friends might find it difficult to connect to you at the emotional level.
MINOR Natal Jupiter – Moon aspects
Minor aspects that are possible or relevant for natal chart interpretation between Jupiter and the Moon:
Jupiter quincunx Moon
You have low self-confidence. Also, this Natal Jupiter – Moon aspects indicate emotional insecurity, over-dependence, loss or grief related to one of your parents. Sometimes you may distrust your feelings and become unemotional. You are often suspicious of other people’s motives when they try to connect to you emotionally. When you get upset, a lack of self-control can lead to behavior that is out of character. You may feel like you have no roots and that no one cares about you and that you don’t belong anywhere. This could lead to fear, alienation, isolation and a lack of faith. The key to deal with this aspect is to maintain some control over your emotions and being able to share intimacy and express your feelings.