Natal Lilith – Venus aspects
Natal Lilith – Venus aspects signify a dynamic between our repressed dark femininity and love. Natal Lilith – Venus aspects bring the need for a person to learn about relationships, values, resources, and money by trusting instinct. In a natal chart, Black Moon Lilith represents a person’s primitive impulses and behavior in their rawest form. Also, it reveals our repressed sexuality. It expresses the dark side of one’s personality, buried deep in the subconscious realms of our psyche. In conclusion, Lilith’s astrological symbol expresses emancipation, freedom, independence, karma, darkness, evil, temptation, conscience, soul, and allurement. See also the interpretations for Lilith in the Houses and Venus in the Houses to see what specific parts of your life this aspect will take place in. It is important for natal chart interpretations.
A Statement that represents Natal Lilith – Venus aspects or The dark Moon aspects: Astrology’s dark angel
Astronomically, Black Moon Lilith is a mathematical point in space. Black Moon Lilith is the geometric point in the sky that marks the furthest point of the moon’s orbit around the Earth. This dark void stays approximately nine months in each house. It embodies the very essence of the goddess Lilith. In a natal chart, Black Moon Lilith represents a person’s primitive impulses and behavior in their rawest form. Below is the Natal Lilith – Venus aspects interpretation.
Lilith conjunct Venus
- Typical features that this conjunction brings: you are often a genius at diplomacy, leadership, and business. Black Moon adds depth and originality to Venus. On one level, this conjunction can be excellent. Venus has several great sides. But, it can make you superficial. From that point of view, it can only benefit from the exacting influence of the Black Moon. This connection makes you interested in the field of arts. Lilith does enhance the creative side of Venus. With these Natal Lilith – Venus aspects you love metaphysical dimensions. Your need for perfection can be extreme. So, you must make sure that it does not become paralyzing. You can also be magnetically attracted to dangerous people or dangerous situations. In particular, carefully watch who enters your life at the time of a return of Lilith. This conjunction of Venus and Lilith is the only aspect that truly moderates Lilith. The conjunction is the reunification of the dual nature of the personality. Light and dark are equalized relative to the proximity of the conjunction. You will experience a higher degree of balance in your interpersonal relationships. Above all the primary fear is usually not a major hindrance in life.
- Positive traits: With these Natal Lilith – Venus aspects you are generally charming people. Also, you have a fine eye for style and enjoy pleasing surroundings. You are gracious and are not competitive people in the aggressive sense
- Negative traits: The shadow side of this is that you can be egotistical in relationships. You may give in too easily to demanding partners because you have such a strong need to be loved.
Lilith opposition Venus
- Typical features that opposition brings: relationship difficulties often come with this aspect. You may feel haunted by a sense of not fitting into stereotypes in your relationships and partnerships. You usually have a series of significant relationships during your lifetime. Above all, you do not have trouble finding partners. But, maintaining relationships is the issue. With this Natal Lilith – Venus aspects you struggle with balancing yourselves in relation to other people. Also, there is a heightened potential to be involved in love triangles. You often feel unfulfillment in relationships. Financial strains in life may also be indicated by this aspect. You need to begin to heal your shadow side. With this Natal Lilith – Venus aspects your sense of beauty is radically different than others, even dark and wild. Those who try to control you in a relationship will trigger your rage as you fight back against toxic relationships. What to do to make Lilith work in your favor – Firstly, try to be yourself in the way you communicate. Secondly, working on self-acceptance is the key to empowerment. Lilith can be free by balancing heart and mind and bringing them to the union. Think about what you really expect from others and to what extent you want to get involved in your relationships. Learn to enjoy your one-to-one relationships with serenity and peace. With this Natal Lilith – Venus aspects look for inner beauty and harmony, not only external. You will be forced to accept yourself.
- Individuals with too many oppositions: You tend to worry too much about what people will talk about them. You take things personally as water signs usually do. There is a strange complexity in the air when you are around. You have a fear of judgment and imagine a riot before it happens.
Lilith square Venus
- Typical features that square brings: squares can create unstable energy. You are emboldened and inspired by friction between your desire for freedom to express your deeper sexual desires and your love of beauty and harmony. So it could create volatile energy, depending on your natal sign. With this Natal Lilith – Venus aspects you could get kind of surges of Lilith coming thru, rather than a consistent flow. This aspect is not necessarily a bad thing. It is certainly in the spirit of Lilith to bring the sex appeal and the unpredictability. You might have a hard time reconciling the Venus energy with Lilith. You could want to settle down. And things are progressing perfectly in the relationship and then you get an uncontrollable urge to dump the person, screw them over, and be free. What to do to make Lilith work in your favor – Firstly, Lilith can be free by balancing her heart and mind and bringing them to the union. Think about what you really expect from others and to what extent you want to get involved in your relationships. Secondly, learn to enjoy your one-to-one relationships with serenity and peace. Look for inner beauty and harmony, not only external. You are torn in a heightened conflict between individuality and conformity, particularly in the context of relationships or style.
- Individuals with too many squares: You are usually in constant tension. You are giving a major time to adjust the scenarios. You are usually striving for some more action. You have abrupt behavior. That causes you to be stressed out to the point of having a breakdown. Squares can also create a kind of spice that makes things interesting. It doesn’t necessarily mean the energy is completely dysfunctional, although it will bring some challenges.
Lilith sextile Venus
- Typical features that sextile brings: it is easy for you to translate your desires and sense of beauty even when doing so challenges the status quo. You know your true value and worth, and you will rebel outrage against anyone who tries to take advantage of you. With these Natal Lilith – Venus aspects you easily merge personal freedom and social graces to create a naturally appealing individuality. This brings positive reactions from other people, no matter how taboo or radical. Controversy is a part of your unique style. You wear ignominy well, and may use it to your advantage in an attractive way. Other people admire your aberrant qualities. Also, your tastes and preferences support a happily outcast identity. With this Natal Lilith – Venus aspects extreme hedonism is tied to this aspect, especially in relationships that aren’t widely acceptable. What to do to make Lilith work in your favor? Firstly, It would be beneficial for you to know what attracts you to mysterious things or people. Secondly, avoid acting in an extremist way. Above all, natal Venus – Lilith aspects can surrender by consciously using the true power of love as your instrument. Venus shows the love and concord. Lilith tests the strength of character towards debauchery. In these matters, you act and change things constantly for the better with success.
- Individuals with too many sextiles: You tend to be too lazy and comfortable. For you, changing is hard and suffering. It is very hard for you to learn that you are stuck in a comfort zone. Sextiles create wonderful abilities instead of owning them. Your biggest work here is to realize how much you could be missing while sitting back and just relaxing. Look for inner beauty and harmony, not only external.
Lilith Trine Venus
- Typical features that trine brings: you easily merge personal freedom and social graces to create a naturally appealing individuality. This brings positive reactions from other people, no matter how taboo or radical. The controversy is a part of your unique style. You wear ignominy well and may use it to your advantage in an attractive way. Other people admire your aberrant qualities. Also, your tastes and preferences support a happily outcast identity. Astrologists are connecting extreme hedonism to this Natal Lilith – Venus aspects, especially in relationships that others do not accept. What to do to make Lilith work in your favor? Firstly, It would be beneficial for you to know what attracts you to mysterious things or people. Secondly, avoid acting in an extremist way. Above all, Natal Lilith – Venus aspects can surrender by consciously using the true power of love as your instrument. Venus shows love and concord. Lilith tests the strength of character towards debauchery. In these matters, you act and change things constantly for the better with success. Your identity relies on breaking stereotypes, standing out, or rebelling somehow. Hedonism can become a severe self-sabotaging issue. This can happen only if the enjoyment of freedom goes too far. You hate rules and standards. You should think about what adventures you need to live out in order for you to experience fullness. Avoid falling into major social nonconformity. Working on self-acceptance is the key to empowerment. Lilith can open to the truth by opening to the intuitive knowledge of the universe.
- Individuals with too many trines: You tend to forget your best and most talented self. So, you need to keep reminding yourself of their hidden creative spots and what you need to do. You have to work harder to realize such beautiful things in you.
MINOR Natal Lilith – Venus aspects
There is no minor aspect that is possible or relevant between Lilith and Venus.