Wednesday, February 12, 2025

horoscope guru

AspectsThe Mars

Natal Mars – Part of fortune aspects

  • Natal Mars – Part of fortune aspects shows the relationship between your need to get what you want and good luck, grace, and wealth. The Part of Fortune points the way toward prosperity and abundance It is an area in which we are said to find our greatest happiness, fulfillment, and luck. We receive benefits or fortune from where the part of fortune is placed in our natal chart. It is important to understand that Astrology helps us bring the subconscious into consciousness. You will use his mental faculties and an intellectual approach to find your happiness and success.
  • The Part of Fortune is known as the lunar ascendant. It represents the space between the Sun and the Moon with reference to the ascendant. The position of the Part of fortune in the natal chart, demonstrates the termination point of reflected sunlight in the phase of the moon. The Part of Fortune is an indicator of health and wealth. The house and sign of your Part of Fortune is where you are professionally and physically fortunate. It also positively amplifies the qualities of any planets with which it forms a tight conjunction. Below is an interpretation of the Natal Mars – Part of fortune aspects interpretation.Natal Mars - Part of fortune aspects shows relationship between your need to get what you want and good luck, grace and wealth.


A statement that represents the Natal Mars – Part of Fortune aspects: show me the money and pleasure

If Mars is in aspect with the Part of Fortune, the potency of Mars will be enhanced in its more positive forms. If a person is born at sunrise, the Part of Fortune will be conjunct the Moon. Also, if you are born at sunset, the Part of Fortune will be opposite the Moon. The emotional nature, nurturing nature, security themes or public life will be an avenue for achieving Part of Fortune happiness and success. See also the interpretations for Mars in the Houses and Part of fortune in the Houses to see what specific parts of your life this aspect will take place in.

Mars conjunct Part of Fortune

  • Typical features that this conjunction brings: You have a “double dose” of the same sign. In other words, you have the double dose of your Mars sign. This is good regarding the positive traits of the Mars sign. Your emotional life is animated and excited with this aspect. With this Natal Mars – Part of fortune aspects you can feel warm. In other words, you are a hot-blooded and passionate person. You have considerable energy. You have a zest for life and your infectious energy can rouse the passions of others.  Also, you are brave and spontaneous.
  • There is an inherent pressure to perform and to prove yourself and it points to a defensive nature that doesn’t easily relax. You are completely ready to defend and protect your loved ones. But, you are not especially sympathetic on a more personal level. You are too emotionally excitable, self-absorbed, and brusque to be considered gentle and sympathetic. Also, you are brave and you value personal freedom. Routine bores you. And you are inclined to seek out excitement in some form.
  • You do not like to conform, you love to travel, do business and get involved in research activities. Your temper is quick, but it can disappear just as rapidly. Also, you may find it difficult not to let your strong emotions out, which has given this aspect a reputation of giving emotional rashness and a hot temper. But, this is simply a side effect of having such enthusiasm and energy for life.
  • Positive traits: Natal Mars – Part of fortune aspects gives an emotionally passionate nature. Also, it gives people courage, a love for adventure, and the ability to find unusual solutions. You are a passionate lover and fierce fighter that need a constructive outlet for your passions.
  • Negative traits: You wear your heart on your sleeve but it is healthier for you to share how you feel. Being overly sensitive to others’ reactions can create a mental state where you imagine that others plot against you.

The Influence od Mars opposition Part of Fortune

  • Typical features that opposition brings: you are a passionate and emotional person. Also, you are a fighter but can suffer from being too aggressive or defensive. That kind of spirit makes you very competitive. Your instinct is simply to have what you want. You are prone to a short temper when you don’t get what you want. Regardless of the rights or wrongs of a situation, you will often win because of your passion and energy. Patience is definitely not your strong point. Your responses are quick, and you are very passionate. Winning at any cost will come at a price. Your intimate relationships suffer the most. So, you must choose your battles with more care and consideration. Always try to think before reacting. In conclusion, with some self-control, you can learn to live with some minor irritations. Cooperation and letting little things ride are not signs of weakness. Also, you can apply your aggressive instincts to hard work. Standing up for the rights of vulnerable people is a great way to channel your fighting spirit. Accepting the need to live harmoniously with others can readjust your sense of proportion and help you realize that you can contribute to the well-being of all, instead of merely indulging in alienated antagonism.
  • Positive traits: This Natal Mars – Part of fortune aspects makes you precocious, animated and passionate. Also, you seek emotional excitement in your lives. And you are very brave.
  • Negative traits: Your competitive nature means that you won’t give up easily. That can cause bad moods, arguments, aggression, and conflict. Also, you hate others resisting your will.  And when this happens, you respond with a personal attack.  If you cannot express your emotional frustrations and anger, you may be the victim of aggression from others.

Mars square Part of Fortune

  • Typical features that this square brings: this aspect creates an insatiable need to meet your desires, whether they are personal or professional. In other words, you are emotionally attached to everything you want or need. So, this is great for providing the dynamism and fighting spirit to succeed. But this can make you obstinate and short-tempered. You tend to overreact and unleash your anger.  Also, you have a deeply passionate nature. In love relationships will be important to find someone who also openly expresses themselves. Never try to bottle up your emotions. Try to find techniques to let emotions out in a more refined or controlled way. Your emotional flair and dramatic displays are actually your strong points. Some methods to settle your angry emotions could range from sports and fitness to more subtle meditation and breathing techniques. This Natal Mars – Part of fortune aspects makes you suffer from emotional tension. Also, you are ruthless and indecisive. You love conflicts at home and you know how to win them. Also, you are bossy, you lead an adventurous life and find it hard to conform and settle down. Standing up for the rights of vulnerable people is a great way to channel your fighting spirit. Accepting the need to live harmoniously with others can readjust your sense of proportion and help you realize that you can contribute to the well-being of all, instead of merely indulging in alienated antagonism.
  • Positive traits: Above you are precocious, animated, and passionate. Also, you seek emotional excitement in your lives. And you are very brave.
  • Negative traits: With this Natal Mars – Part of fortune aspects your natural tendency is to shoot first and ask questions later. Your feeling of being threatened can manifest as over -sensitivity, in fact, as emotional attacks from others.

The influence of Mars sextile Part of Fortune

  • Typical features that this sextile brings:  you have a passionate enthusiasm to work and play. This aspect is an indicator of a successful life. Above all, you are daring, charismatic, passionate, and most appealing to the senses. You draw a crowd. That is because you are so expressive and energetic. It would be most difficult to upset you. That is because this Natal Mars – Part of fortune aspects brings such well-balanced emotional energy and charm. There is a competitive nature to this aspect which makes winning come easy. You can express your need for independence, while also being part of the group. You have the respect and support of almost everyone. That is because of your drive, initiative, and courage. Bravery comes naturally.  And you could satisfy an inner need by fighting for a worthy cause. You need an emotional connection to feel complete on a physical level. Also, you often have an affection and talent for sports, but other factors in the natal chart are necessary to provide motivation and commitment.
  • This harmonious aspect creates constructive and practical people. You can solve problems at home easily. That is because you are willing and prepared to compromise. You are open and you express yourself with seriousness. Also, you are a great host. Because your emotions are strong and you know how to channel them into constructive channels, you don’t easily understand such things as crimes of passion.
  • Individuals with too many sextiles: You tend to be too lazy and comfortable. For you, changing is hard and suffering. It is very hard for you to learn that you are stuck in a comfort zone. Sextiles create wonderful abilities instead of owning them. Your biggest work here is to realize how much you could be missing while sitting back and just relaxing.

Mars Trine Part of Fortune

  • Typical features that this trine brings: this aspect is an indicator of a successful life. You are daring, charismatic, sexy, and most appealing to the senses. Also, you can give off a special kind of attractive and entertaining energy. You draw a crowd. You express your feelings without holding back. In other words, you express both sad and happy feelings without restraint. Other people appreciate and respect your openness and honesty.  Also, you are attractive, charismatic, and charming. You are a passionate lover.  Also, you have sexual magnetism. You would have a more successful relationship with a partner who is strong-willed and adventurous. You will fight for your family and your beliefs. The trine aspect is harmonious and more dynamic sextile. People with the trine between Mars and Part of Fortune have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently. You accept the need for compromise. And you know adjustments are necessary for harmonious relationships. You meet challenges and difficulties positively. And you apply effort to transcend or resolve them. However, your self-image is strong enough not to collapse when failures are encountered. With this Natal Mars – Part of fortune aspects, there will be disappointments. You take a philosophical approach to life, shrug your shoulders, and carry on.
  • Individuals with too many trines: You tend to forget your best and the most talented self. So, you need to keep reminding yourself of their hidden creative spots and what needs to be done. You have to work harder to realize such beautiful things in you.

 MINOR Natal Mars – Part of fortune aspects

There are no minor aspects that are possible or relevant for natal chart interpretation between Mars and the Part of Fortune.




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