Wednesday, February 12, 2025

horoscope guru

AspectsThe Mercury

Natal Mercury – Part of fortune aspects

Natal Mercury – Part of fortune aspects shows the relationship between your mind and health and wealth. You will use his mental faculties and an intellectual approach to find your happiness and success. The Part of Fortune is known as the lunar ascendant. It represents the space between the Sun and the Moon with reference to the ascendant. The position of the Part of fortune in the natal chart, demonstrates the termination point of reflected sunlight in the phase of the moon. The Part of Fortune is an indicator of health and wealth. The house and sign of your Part of Fortune is where you are professionally and physically fortunate. It also positively amplifies the qualities of any planets with which it forms a tight conjunction. Worldly success and prosperity are associated with the Part of Fortune, and both its sign and house placement suggest innate abilities and talents–areas of life and qualities that are expressed naturally. Below is the interpretation of the Natal Mercury – Part of Fortune aspects.Natal Mercury - Part of fortune aspects


A statement that represents the Natal Mercury – Part of Fortune aspects: The one who takes steps ahead.

If a person is born at sunrise, the Part of Fortune will be conjunct with the Moon. Also, if you are born at sunset, the Part of Fortune will be opposite the Moon. The emotional nature, nurturing nature, security themes, or public life will be an avenue for achieving Part of Fortune happiness and success. See also the interpretations for Mercury in the Houses and Part of fortune in the Houses to see what specific parts of your life this aspect will take place in.

1. Mercury conjunct Part of FortuneMercury conjunct Part of Fortune

  • Typical features that this conjunction brings  – You have a “double dose” of the same sign. In other words, you have the double dose of the moon sign. This is good regarding the positive traits of the moon sign. You should watch out for the negative traits of the moon sign. That is because you have a double dose of those. So, you should try to focus on the positive traits of the sun and moon. Mercury conjunct Part of fortune will influence the nature of the fortune. This is a very powerful influence because it often overshadows the sign. If it is not well placed it does nothing. And if it is well placed will do much for the person. Above all, you possess admirable vitality. Generally, you come across as rather uncomplicated regarding what you want out of life. You are able to make decisions without too much struggle. The emotions and feelings of the Part of Fortune are in harmony with the ego. You can easily express your feelings and meet your needs. But, on the negative side, you question your thoughts. With this Natal Mercury – Part of Fortune aspect, you will use your mental faculties and an intellectual approach to finding your happiness and success. Also, you will find it extremely easy to communicate, either in speech or writing.
  • Positive traits: This aspect gives the qualities necessary to be the president or the king. You make a very strong impression on others without even trying. People want to be associated with you.
  • Negative traits: You are fully aware of your importance and of your influence. But, this power can easily go to your head while you are young. You can turn others off with your excessive pride and arrogance.

2. Mercury opposition Part of FortuneMercury opposition Part of Fortune

  • Typical features that opposition brings – this aspect causes you to experience challenges in how you relate to and communicate with other people. Thinking patterns can become negative and even obsessive. You have to “find yourself” through other people. This aspect signifies close one-to-one relationships. With this Natal Mercury – Part of fortune aspects you need a companion to make you feel complete. You are still your own unique person, but you are simply more comfortable when you are with someone else. Most of you, with this aspect, are in partnership with a close personal friend.  The opposition has a Libra flavor. This makes you good at negotiations, therapy, and other situations where being able to slip into another’s shoes is advantageous. You enjoy decision-making when it is shared with another person. Also, you are the first to call on a close personal friend or spouse whenever a decision needs to be made. The exchange helps you to find an answer within. So, this comes back to seeing yourself through others’ perspectives. You are not the type of people who go to movies or restaurants alone. In other words, you just feel more powerful and happy with someone. But, you do not give your power away to others. However, you do not readily “own” your power without feedback from others. There is sometimes a tendency to feel that we know better than everyone else. It is important to think before you speak.
  • Individuals with too many oppositions: You tend to worry too much about what people will talk about them. Also, you take things personally as water signs usually do. There is a strange complexity in the air when you are around. And, you have a fear of judgment and imagine a riot before it happens.

3. Mercury Square Part of FortuneMercury square Part of Fortune

  • Typical features that this square brings – You do not always “come across” to others as you intend to. Especially in your youth, you can easily offend others with an “attitude”. The impression is one of being overbearing, arrogant, or pushy. This is due to a defense mechanism. In other words, what you want to express is often interpreted the wrong way. In one-to-one relationships, the main problem is that your needs are not compatible with the needs of others. To reach your goals you may have to sacrifice a friendship or learn to put up with stressful conditions. Awareness of this discrepancy is important.  Otherwise, the defense mechanism can worsen over time, and you can have problems at work and in personal relationships. Softening the manner and the attitude does wonders to smooth over relationships of all kinds. You will come to realize that you need to be true to yourself and not live as others wish you to live. With this Natal Mercury – Part of fortune aspects your path is not an easy one. You will learn to relate to others and be self-confident. Setting ambitious goals will force you to strengthen your character and live your own life. Professional success will bring great satisfaction. You will earn the respect of your peers and healthy relationships will follow. This aspect causes relationship difficulties when people try to hold you back or stand in your way of success.
  • Individuals with too many squares: You are usually in constant tension. You are giving a major time to adjust the scenarios. You are usually striving for some more action. You are very well known for your abrupt behavior. That causes you to be stressed out to the point of having a breakdown.

4. Mercury sextile Part of FortuneMercury sextile Part of Fortune

  • Typical features that this sextile brings – this harmonious aspect makes you an active, intelligent, and interesting person.  Also, you have a very strong personality. You energize other people with your passionate and enthusiastic self-expression. The authority you project generally doesn’t offend others. That is because sincerity is sensed at the same time. Above all, you have an endless supply of natural talent and resources. This makes you outgoing with a very attractive personality. You experience fulfillment in life through close one-to-one relationships. Also, you learn about yourself through close relationships, through trials and errors. You are romantic and initially committed. But your hot-blooded nature and need to experience life to the fullest can lead to wild relationships. With this Natal Mercury – Part of fortune aspects suggest that travel, adventure, discovery, and exploration are important to you. That is because those things keep you from becoming bored or restless. You will find great satisfaction by utilizing your hard-won experiences to mentor others. Also, political, social, or environmental activism and charity work are other ways you can have a positive effect on others. This is a great aspect of intimate relationships. That is because of your increased sexual magnetism and physical attractiveness. This Natal Mercury – Part of fortune aspects are a good companion for standing up for your rights and defending the rights of loved ones.
  • Individuals with too many sextiles: You tend to be too lazy and comfortable. For you, changing is hard and suffering. It is very hard for you to learn that you are stuck in a comfort zone. Sextiles create wonderful abilities instead of owning them. Your biggest work here is to realize how much you could be missing while sitting back and just relaxing.

5. Mercury Trine Part of FortuneMercury Trine Part of Fortune

  • Typical features that this trine brings: This aspect is a sign of success and happiness in life. It gives you great self-confidence, self-esteem, independence, and authority. Above all, you make a good first impression on other people. That is because you express your true nature with honesty and sincerity. And also you are a very person. Your charm and positive attitude to life make you very attractive, lovable, and popular. You can express yourself very well. Also, you have good communication skills and get your ideas and opinions understood. You may enjoy performing in front of others. And generally, you like being in the spotlight. The combination of confidence and optimism gives you a talent for inspiring others, teaching, and entertaining. This Natal Mercury – Part of fortune aspects also gives harmonious and successful partnerships.  It gives harmonious partnerships in both your private and professional life. You possess creative energy, vitality, and good health. Those things allow you to take advantage of many opportunities in life. Competition is healthy for you and you don’t tend to let negativity or criticism bring you down. There is an interest in performing arts, sports, and games. What to do to make the North node work in your favor?  Firstly, think about what adventures you need to live out in order for you to experience fullness. Avoid falling into major social nonconformity. Secondly, working on self-acceptance is the key to empowerment. North node can open to the truth by opening to the intuitive knowledge of the universe.
  • Individuals with too many trines: You tend to forget your best and most talented self. So, you need to keep reminding yourself of their hidden creative spots and what needs to be done. You have to work harder to realize such beautiful things in you.

MINOR Natal Mercury – Part of fortune aspects

There are no minor aspects that are possible or relevant for natal chart interpretation between Mercury and Part of Fortune.




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