Natal Venus – Chiron aspects
Natal Venus – Chiron aspects suggests a connection between the love, money and lessons we need to learn. Above all Chiron represents the primal wound and the urge to become whole and heal the self. See also the interpretations for Venus in the Houses and Chiron in the Houses to see what specific parts of your life this aspect will take place in.
A statement that represents the Natal Venus – Chiron aspects: the wounded healer
Chiron’s placement in our natal chart points to areas where there are some lessons we need to learn. These areas are ruled by the sign and the house in our natal chart. It is very important to notice the areas where we feel discomfort. Our gifts are hidden in our wounds as shown by Chiron’s placement. But our true purpose or life path is shown by the Moon’s Nodes in your chart. Chiron is an asteroid between Saturn and Uranus. Its orbit is very unusual and represents a bridge between material and spiritual worlds. Below is the Natal Venus – Chiron aspects interpretation.
1 Venus conjunct Chiron
- Typical features that this conjunction brings: this aspect is almost always more about the relationship to yourself than the relationship to others. With this aspect in the chart, until you build a healthy relationship with yourself and healthy self-esteem, and healthy self-worth, you will repeatedly end up in relationships in which the partner ends up provoking some additional wounding. Often, relationships are painful. Relationships are painful because you have such an ingrained expectation that love hurts, that you are subconsciously attracted to people who are wounding, and wounded. There is a tendency to give in close personal and love relationships. And there is a fear of rejection from a lover. No matter how much you do for a partner, you never feel it is enough. Early experiences of rejection help you to learn a tremendous amount about love and relationships. And they can easily learn very insightful advice about human interactions. Applying this wisdom on a personal level is a challenge. You need to first heal your own deep fears of not being good enough. In conclusion, you need to learn to love yourself and to make sure your partners are meeting you halfway. Also, you may be attracted to partners who need help.
- Positive traits: This Natal Venus – Chiron aspects brings love coaches, coaches in general, and relationship counselors as often the person becomes quite skilled at the things for which they experienced pain..
- Negative traits: you were made to feel like you didn’t deserve to be loved unconditionally, that maybe you weren’t lovable at all; or weren’t good enough to get the kind of love you want and deserve. Also, your capacity to earn money is directly related to what you believe you deserve, and with this aspect, this belief can be quite distorted.
2 Venus opposition Chiron
- Typical features that this opposition brings: this aspect is almost always more about the relationship to yourself than the relationship to others. With this aspect in the chart, until you build a healthy relationship with yourself and healthy self-esteem, and healthy self-worth, you will repeatedly end up in relationships in which the partner ends up provoking some additional wounding. And there is a fear of rejection from a lover. No matter how much you do for a partner, you never feel it is enough. Early experiences of rejection help you to learn a tremendous amount about love and relationships. Applying this wisdom on a personal level is the challenge. You need to first heal your own deep fears of not being good enough. In conclusion, you need to learn to love yourself and to make sure your partners are meeting you halfway. Also, you may be attracted to partners who need help. With the opposition, your love life will inevitably manifest as long periods of repressed stress punctuated by sudden outbursts of pain. Of course, you are going to try and attract a partner who balances you in some way. But eventually, the strain on the relationship will begin to show, and you will be forced to face your pain once and for all. Let good things come to you, brave up and face it. Opportunities do exist, so it is a matter of actually acting upon them and coming in on equal ground. Heal yourself and become happy!!
- Positive traits: With this Natal Venus – Chiron aspects you are very sensitive.
- Negative traits: you often feel that you are not good enough. Also, your capacity to earn money is directly related to what you believe you deserve, and with this aspect, this belief can be quite distorted.
3 Venus square Pluto
- Typical features that this square brings: this aspect is almost always more about the relationship to yourself than the relationship to others. With this aspect in the chart, until you build a healthy relationship with yourself healthy self-esteem, and healthy self-worth, you will repeatedly end up in relationships in which the partner ends up provoking some additional wounding. With the square, your sensitivity becomes a blocking hypersensitivity. It creates obstacles to the smooth progress of love and intimacy in your relationships. There is a tendency to avoid intimacy due to your unwillingness to expose your vulnerable side. You can therefore come across as a cold, distant, and unloving person. This will very quickly put the brakes on much of your relationship potential. These natal Venus–Chiron aspects can make you especially high-maintenance. That is because you demand a partner who can feed your sense of wounded affection whilst you are simultaneously unwilling to give very much in return. And there is a fear of rejection from a lover. No matter how much you do for a partner, you never feel it is enough. Early experiences of rejection help you to learn a tremendous amount about love and relationships. Applying this wisdom on a personal level is a challenge. You need to first heal your own deep fears of not being good enough. In conclusion, you need to learn to love yourself and to make sure your partners are meeting you halfway. Also, you may be attracted to partners who need help.
- Positive traits: You are very emotional and sensitive person. Also, you are a giving person.
- Negative traits: With this Natal Venus – Chiron aspects you may be easily offended and hurt. Problems can occur because you are unable to communicate in a way that harmonizes with others.
4 Venus sextile Pluto
- Typical features that this sextile brings – This is a harmonious aspect. this aspect is almost always more about the relationship to yourself than the relationship to others. With this aspect in the chart, until you build a healthy relationship with yourself and healthy self-esteem, and healthy self-worth, you will repeatedly end up in relationships in which the partner ends up provoking some additional wounding. Often, relationships are painful. Relationships are painful because you have such an ingrained expectation that love hurts, that you are subconsciously attracted to people who are wounding, and wounded. There is a tendency to give in close personal and love relationships. And there is a fear of rejection from a lover. No matter how much you do for a partner, you never feel it is enough. Early experiences of rejection help you to learn a tremendous amount about love and relationships. A possible wounding from a relationship or love matter needs to be healed. The sextile will make this easier to accomplish. Also, there is a possibility of being wounded due to money or resources problems. But you have the ability to overcome those problems. Finally, you need to look to the houses where Chiron and Venus are located. The sextile will pull those two houses into the interpretation.
- Positive traits: With this Natal Venus – Chiron aspects you understand holistic healing concepts and the mind-body connection. You have a unique perception. You often have great knowledge due to the hardships brought about by Chiron. And you often teach others what you know for their benefit.
- Negative traits: you may be easily offended and hurt. Problems can occur because you are unable to communicate in a way that harmonizes with others.
5 Venus trine Chiron
- Typical features that this trine brings: this is another harmonious aspect. this aspect is almost always more about the relationship to yourself than the relationship to others. With this aspect in the chart, until you build a healthy relationship with yourself healthy self-esteem, and healthy self-worth, you will repeatedly end up in relationships in which the partner ends up provoking some additional wounding. The trine will demonstrate many sextile issues. But the healing that is required by the contract will come more easily and naturally. And you will experience that with less upheaval and stress. This does not mean that all will be roses of course. That is because you still have pain to face up to. You can acknowledge the need to change and heal. These Natal Venus-Chiron aspects will be very helpful in easing the course. Any relationship will demand a great deal of compassionate intimacy. You simply cannot be standoffish or cool in love. Natives with this aspect can develop the most profound understanding of human love. But, that level of understanding usually comes out of very complex and karmic relationships. This native is very alluring to people in general and many people may fall in love with you.
- Positive traits: This Natal Venus – Chiron aspects gives very sensitive and caring person. You are a gifted healer and a teacher. You have the voice of experience which gives you empathy with other people. Also, you have a talent for seeing the beauty in your loved ones and helping them heal their psychological wounds and realize their full potential.
- Negative traits: This harmonious aspect will help you to overcome negative traits with ease.
MINOR Natal Venus – Chiron aspects
Minor aspects that are possible or relevant for natal chart interpretation between the Venus and the Chiron:
6 Venus quincunx Chiron
This Natal Venus-Chiron aspect is rather difficult. That is because your attempt to address your insecurity in love is never quite right. So you simply feel that something is wrong in your relationships. And you can’t fix it. Dissatisfaction in love is usually the clear result, therefore, of this particular configuration. As ever, awareness of this tendency will go a long way to alleviating it. If you can understand that you have this tendency. Then some measure of acceptance can be cultivated too. If not fix it, then at least learn that it is not necessarily a real problem so much as it is a perceived one.