Monday, January 20, 2025

horoscope guru


New Moon in Sagittarius brings luck for zodiac signs

Here, how the 2024 Sagittarius new moon will affect you based on your sign.
With this new moon falling in your higher learning and adventure sector, you’ll be compelled to reassess your belief system. It might be time to explore different philosophies or perspectives — potentially related to how you’re expressing yourself creatively or with a significant other or friends. That’s the result of the moon’s trine to your ruling planet, go-getter Mars, currently in your romance and self-expression zone. In short: Being true to yourself and owning your voice, then letting that inspire your next steps, can be immensely fulfilling.
With this new moon falling in your emotional bonds zone, you’ll do well to think about what you need out of your nearest and dearest bonds. What makes you feel more secure, and what dynamics feel toxic and unwelcome? Being honest with yourself about the answers to these questions can help you gain clarity around what you want to achieve within these relationships moving forward. And because the moon is harmonizing with go-getter Mars in your home zone, you can make applause-worthy strides on inner work.
The new moon activates your partnership sector, inspiring you to set a goal related to your one-on-one connections, whether romantic, platonic or professional. The intention you set could bolster reciprocity or support a goal you share with a loved one, significant other, family member or business partner. This is also a brilliant moment for gaining clarity around how to best manage compromises or negotiations. And although your ruling planet, Mercury, is retrograde now, the moon’s trine to go-getter Mars in your communication sector supports your ability to express your most passionate perspectives.
Every new moon is a chance for you to kick off a new chapter — something you may feel even more acutely than other signs, given that the moon rules Cancer. This new moon falls in your wellness and daily routine zone, inspiring you to think of ways you can bring more balance into your everyday hustle. You’ll be fired up to set better boundaries for the sake of your personal growth, given the moon’s square to taskmaster Saturn in your higher learning zone. And with the moon harmonizing with action-oriented Mars in your money sector, changes you make now could positively impact your bottom line.
Welcome to one of the most magical, whimsical and heartfelt new moons of the year for you, thanks to the fact that it falls in your romance and self-expression zone. You’ll enjoy a surge of playful, fun-loving energy and be eager to not only spend more time enjoying loved ones’ company but also channel your emotions into an artistic outlet. Because this moon forms a harmonizing trine to action-oriented Mars in your sign, owning your voice will be integral to feeling like you’re truly standing in your power and sense of self. That fiery tone supports your ability to launch the next chapter of your love life or a creative project.
You could be eager to jumpstart a new way of handling important business on the homefront or addressing emotional issues with loved ones, given that this new moon is activating your home zone. This is also a sector that deals with your emotions and sense of security, so you also have the fuel to take impressive steps toward manifesting a greater sense of inner peace, perhaps by deep-diving with your therapist, free writing or practicing deep breathing. The moon also happens to form a harmonious trine to go-getter Mars in your spirituality sector, which only serves to underline your commitment toward caring for your psychological well-being now.
With Mercury retrograde in your communication zone since November 25, you might be feeling more frenetic and frustrated with misunderstandings and technology glitches. Thankfully, with the new moon falling in the same sector, you have a shot at reimagining how to manage everyday communications. You might be inspired to streamline your daily commitments and approach tech in a different, more boundaried way (checking texts or emails at a regular cadence versus constantly, for example). And because the moon trines go-getter Mars in your networking zone, colleagues and friends could be especially supportive and helpful as you kick off this more mindful approach.
With your season in the rearview, Sagittarius’ time in the sun brings a renewed energy to parlay into your income-boosting plan, given that this season activates your money zone. The new moon falls there, as well, supercharging your ability to zero in on a financial aspiration and map out the best step-by-step plan for making it a reality. Given the moon’s trine to action-oriented Mars (one of your co-rulers) in your career sector, you’ll want to think about how to not only boost your bottom line but also the best strategy for making your mark in the big picture. Holding both in mind jointly can catapult you toward success.
Welcome to your annual new moon, Sagittarius! Activating your self-image sector, you could be feeling extra sensitive and emotional as well as ambitious and optimistic. In short, your emotions could be running high, and you’ll want to hit the gas to reach your most ambitious vision for the future ASAP — especially because the moon forms a harmonizing trine to go-getter Mars in your adventure zone, which is bound to kick up your restlessness. This moment was made for getting in tune with your gut and letting it be your guide, to be sure, but with the moon squaring off against challenge-spurring Saturn in your home zone, ensuring you’ve tended to your roots and inner well-being is integral to nailing down the results you’re dreaming of.
Falling in your spirituality zone, this new moon is a chance to rest, rejuvenate reassess and edit your most industrious goals for the coming months. You might not even know exactly what you’re most driven to achieve, and that’s OK. Taking the time to rest your mind and body now could lay the groundwork for you to be inspired and motivated. And with the moon forming a harmonizing trine to action-oriented Mars in your emotional bonds and joint resources sector, you could be well on your way to strengthening your connection with a loved one or moving the ball forward on a shared financial goal.
With the new moon falling in your networking zone, you’ll do well to set a goal related to boosting your platonic bonds and furthering goals you share with friends, co-workers and your community. Given Mercury’s retrograde in this sector now, you could also benefit from reflecting on how you want to show up for others and how they’ve shown up for you, which can help you get even more clear on the best strategy for pursuing your aspirations. Given that the moon trines go-getter Mars in your partnership zone, a friend, loved one or significant other could play a part in fulfilling a long-term wish.
With the new moon falling in your career zone, this is an intensely fruitful time for nurturing your sense of authority and relationship with higher-ups. Think about what success in the big picture sense looks like for you and how you want to make your mark in the long run, then narrow down your vision to a specific goal you can achieve over the next two weeks and six months. You’ll soon feel focused and fired up. Just know that with the moon squaring off against taskmaster Saturn in your sign, reaching your destination slowly and steadily might not feel all that thrilling, but it could translate to lasting results.


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