Wednesday, February 12, 2025

horoscope guru


Pisces as a parent

rp_Pisces-196x300.jpgWe all think that our parents do not understand us. But are they really that bad, or it is just because of the stars? If you want to understand your parents or if you are a parent, read the following words.

fatherPisces as a Father
The Pisces father showers a lot of love on his children. He is very loving and caring and treats his children as friends. He will never get angry with them, but is prone to moodiness. He would give them the needed freedom. The Pisces father would come up with unique methods to guide his children in the right direction and would never enforce things on to them. A Pisces father dreams of his parenting days right from the day of confirmation of pregnancy of his wife. The Pisces father starts meticulous planning for upbringing his child in a very protective and comfortable surroundings. He is very sensitive, tolerant and firm. Pisces dad is so dreamy. Pisces father is deeply empathic to small babies. When they cry, he will cry. He will sense when his child wants rattle . He will know their needs . He will take his kids to sacred sites, tell them all about universal laws, and read Shakespeare. Pisces father will understand their emotions as if they were his own. Pisces fathers are the tops.

mother 1rybyPisces as a Mother
The Pisces mother is the most loving and caring one. They are very devoted and sentimental and can never stay firm. She won’t demand or expect anything from her children because she wants them to be happy all the time. Pisces Mother would be very attached to her children and ensure to do all that she can for the healthy upbringing of her children. She eagerly looked forward for the day they are blessed with a child. Her child becomes the world for a Pisces mother. She can be caring and strict at the same time.

children1Pisces as a Child
The Pisces children are very honest and sincere. They love and respect their parents from their bottom of the heart. They are deeply attached to their home and parents. They are smart brilliant and dedicated towards their studies. Pisces-born children can get deeply hurt when they are scolded by their parents. Certainly, they respect family values, and respect tradition values, but at the same time they need their space to let their creative ideas . They find it hard to decide on a career for themselves.


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