Wednesday, February 12, 2025

horoscope guru


Taurus as ascendant-compatibility with other signs

Taurus ascendant – Aries sign

taurusariessInner stability may be endangered by behavior that constantly urges to action. If your ascendant is in Taurus and If you maintain the balance, you might achieve the goals you hope for. You have to work on balancing emotions, wishes and actions. Listen to your intuition.
Taurus ascendant Taurus sign

taurustaurusThis combination is known for inherited idleness. Their inherited idleness often slows down everyone around them. It is wise to join forces with someone who will get you engaged when need do. They usually have partners and friends who understand this and helps them.

Taurus ascendant – Gemini sign

taurusblizanciTalkative Taurus is a very rare combination. Taurus as ascendant in this combination with Gemini is slow in action and quick on words at the same time, it may cause confusion. It is tough but you must learn to balance. If you say something, do it.

Taurus ascendant – Cancer sign

cancertaurusThis combination gives a  real domestic type.  This cancer sign loves home and family. It is very hard to get him out of his house, because that is the kingdom he rules. They are a perfect hosts and very friendly people, perfect for wife and housebound.

Taurus ascendant – Leo sign

taurusrp_leo1-286x300.jpgThis combination often gives people who loves art. They may rise to be successful artist that values profit more than recognition. Otherwise, they will not be satisfied. They are also very ambitious at work and very gentle and sensitive and romantic in relationships.

Taurus ascendant – Virgo sign

rp_devica1-300x279.jpgtaurusPeople born with this combination are excellent workers, though sometimes gloomy. Life and work may take them to long journeys. That often includes problems in relationships because they are often on the road. They need partner who is not possessive.

Taurus ascendant -Libra sign

taurusrp_libra1-294x300.jpgThese people are esthetics above all. Everything must be beautiful and in the right spot. They are perfectionists and tend to please themselves. They have a good power of regeneration. They are often very successful at work. They can be hard in relationships but if they are il love with the same combination they will be a perfect match.

Taurus ascendant – Scorpio sign

scorpio1taurusThis combination gives very interesting persons that merge passionate and calm approach. They may be excellent singers, not just because of their voice and act, but also because the audience loves them. They are very charismatic. They are passionate lovers. Their partners are often jealous because they allays have  admirers. They are loyal in relationships.

Taurus ascendant – Sagittarius sign

taurussagittariusssThis is an interesting combination of a hedonist and a workaholic. Most often, they enjoy the work itself.They are hedonists in love relationships too, they are dedicated and honest but they cant stand fights, jealousy and listening what they have to do.

Taurus ascendant – Capricorn sign

rp_jarac-capricorn1-292x300.jpgtaurusThis combination gives very conservative people, cold on the outside, and contemplating hedonism on the inside. They love kitchen and children. They often have big family and enjoys  cooking for them. They are great partners for marriage.

Taurus ascendant – Aquarius sign

taurusrp_air-aquarius-300x291.jpgTheir behavior is contradictory to their inner state. The eccentricity they express outside does not suit them well. Once you get to know them you are struggling with what to do with them. If you are this combination ,you have to learn to balance because pecause you will be misunderstood at work and in love relationships. You are great people for theater and TV shows.

Taurus ascendant- Pisces sign

rp_pisces11-300x285.jpgtaurusThey may pass as artists, if they are not too untidy and if all Zodiac elements point to that. They are soft and calm.They are soft and calm even in relationships. Very romantic combination.





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