Wednesday, February 12, 2025

horoscope guru

Astrology SIgnsLeo

The best way to attract leo

rp_leo-in-love-235x300.jpgADMIRE THEM

The  best way  to attract a Leo is to shower them with admiration. Leos  like to know that you look up to them and that you are one of the few people that admire them. They love compliments, affection and they absolutely love for someone to just shower them with attention. Show them some appreciation, affection, admiration and of course compliments. Affection is a huge thing for Leos, especially touching, patting and slight teasing.


A lion doesn’t  like to be alone, so you’ve got to move quick. Moving quick doesn’t mean that you immediately have to slip into  a relationship with them, because they don’t want to be pinned like that right away. Just start to engage in flirting and really gain their attraction!


They love to be open and they expect you to be open too. So, you’ve got to really give up the goods when it comes to secrets and confessions. Don’t do it all at once, but  do it. Leo  responds well to generosity, honesty and loyalty. Demonstrate these qualities and you’ll be elevated in the Leo  perception.


Typical Leo like to go out a lot. They crave a night out on the town and they really love  heading out to the hottest club or restaurant. So  keep up with them.


That means that you’ve got to assure your Leo-crush that he or she is amazing in everything that they do. It couldn’t be more simple: treat him like a king and he’s yours forever.


Leos are positive and  don’t want to surround themselves by people who are negative. So, if you have a bad attitude, don’t try to attract them then.


The Leo  is one of the simplest signs to attract he just wants to be adored. The key is to make sure you adore him in precisely the way he loves to be adored.


The Leo  is a pleasure seeker by nature, but not destructively. The Leo m likes to feel spoil and he likes to spoil his partner. So cook for them tell them nice things, give them nice things…
Leo  loves physical activity. He will enjoy practically any sport or – a great opportunity to get up close and personal – dancing.


If you stand by your Leo  during times of crisis, he will reward your loyalty with his . He will fight to the death to protect the ones he loves, sacrificing anything and everything in the process.


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