The Full Moon in Cancer brings inspiration and emotional temptation for the three signs of the Zodiac
On December 26, the Full Moon in Cancer activation begins, providing us with an abundance of positive energy, warmth, and harmony.
Full Moons in Cancer always strongly emphasize emotions. If you feel a whirlwind of feelings, know that you have so much cosmic support to achieve balance, writes Forever Conscious.
Alignment with Sirius – release everything that holds you back.
On December 26, the Full Moon will align precisely with Sirius, activating its energy and broadcasting it into our lives. Sirius is a star brighter than our Sun and is worshiped by many ancient cultures. Their monuments were built in harmony with Sirius, and there are stories of beings who descended from Sirius to leave behind their advanced wisdom and knowledge.
In astrology, Sirius is said to be our spiritual Sun. When activated, it radiates a powerful energy force that can penetrate our body and improve the frequency.
This energy helps us solve problems and technical difficulties, adapt to intuition more efficiently, and let go of everything that hinders our authenticity. We’ll feel like we’re emotionally shedding everything holding us back, or we’ll get inspired to navigate the situation we’re going through.
Jupiter fills and softens.
Jupiter is also active under this Full Moon, creating a harmonious alignment with the Moon. Jupiter can expand and hypercharge to strengthen all the present energies of this Full Moon.
Jupiter is considered the planet of benevolence and happiness, and astrologers believe it brings abundance and joy into our lives.
Three zodiac signs will experience the Full Moon in Cancer emotionally
Although the emphasis on emotions will be felt at the level of collective consciousness, the three zodiac signs will be particularly attached to their feelings.
It is about Taurus, Leo, and Virgo. Most of all, they are restless, and this full Moon will calm the charge of different feelings surrounding them. Eventually, he will intuitively call peace and stability into his life, and the answers to complicated questions will appear- listening to them is essential.